Chapter 33: Raven

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Levi's POV

"I wanna hold Raven!"

"No, I wanna!"

"Iris! Please! You had her longer! I'm her big brother- and I wanna protect her like Daddy does! Please! I wanna hold her!"

A never-ending cycle of arguing. Back and forth. Who's turn was it to hold Raven? Who's turn is it to get Raven's bottle? Who's turn was it to get the diapers so Daddy can clean Raven's diapers. Time after time... I'm worried too much about giving Hanji another kid. If these older kids were fighting over their little sibling... would it be worse when Raven grows older?

"Daddy!" I looked down to see Eren and Iris trying to push each other away as I cradled Raven in my arms. Hanji was sleeping in the bedroom, resting. Eren pleaded with his puppy eyes, nearly crying. "Daddy, please... can I hold Raven?"

"No! I wanna!"

Taking a deep breath, I chuckled a bit. "Keep fighting like that, and none of you would hold Raven. I don't think it's safe for any of you guys to hold her- at least for now."

"W-What do you mean...?"

"I mean... what if one of you guys are holding onto her? Are you guys going to fight with Raven in your arms? What if she gets hurt from your little fighting? I think Mommy wouldn't like it when she hears that the two of you are fighting to hold onto Raven. Let's wait until Raven wakes up- but until then, you two need to behave and not fighting with each other."

Eren opened his mouth to object, but he sits down next to me, putting his tiny head on my stomach. Iris sat on the other side of me, looking at the TV. At least... for now... I handled the mess. I don't understand them sometimes... but they stopped their fighting.

They slowly dozed off, making me chuckle a bit. I didn't want to change the movie- in case if they woke up. And plus... their little cartoons weren't that bad. 

Halfway through the movie, my phone began to read with a single name: Farlan.

"What is it?" I asked sternly, holding Raven tightly to my chest. "I'm in a middle of being attacked by sleeping children."

A soft chuckle came through the phone. "Oh? Attack of the sleeping children? Interesting. Either way, I wanted to ask something about Eren... more like... what is he into these days?"

"Into? Well... superheroes- as per usual." I looked down to him, seeing him still asleep. "The same old superheroes. I don't think he would ever leave the topic of superheroes. So... if you're planning on a thing for that event, Farlan, I would say... superheroes."

"Ah, okay. And uh... when's Iris' birthday?"

"Remembering correctly... it was... June 30th."

"Thanks, Levi. That's all."

I chuckled, pausing a bit. "Oh, um... about the gifts you and Isabel gave to Raven- Hanji wanted me to say thanks for her. She's currently sleeping and... well... Raven's being spoiled too much. You guys got her gifts to last her into her toddler years. Not to mention- her little nursery is filled with toys that are way too big for her."

"Those were all Isabel's idea, Levi. Blame her. But... hopefully I'll put a leash on her shopping spree for the kids. I don't want her spoiling the little brats."

Once more, I chuckled and had a bright smile on my face. "Thanks, but... I think they're well for now. They like their aunt and uncle... you two need to get kids or something. I can't be the only one providing kids."

"Is that so? What was that I heard between you and Hanji? Something about giving her another kid?"

"Shut up-" I growled through gritted teeth. "That's my business with her- not yours. But my side still holds up. Go and adopt some- maybe adopt the ones that we saved in foster care. I bet some would be glad to have you as their father."

"Eh... wouldn't that be... weird though?"

"I have Raven- how many kids do you have now?"

Farlan chuckled a bit more, nearly chortling. "Shut up, Levi. Besides, I would curse with the kids around... wouldn't want them to suddenly curse something that they don't know the real definition. Anyways, enjoy your little... ambush of the kids."

"It hurts." I say as a last word before Farlan hung up.

Gazing down into my eyes, Raven was squirming a bit. Her eyes were blinking open, revealing those beautiful, silver gems. She struggled to give a smile, cooing softly. Her baby fist rose in the air, hitting in my arm. I chuckled- a strong little fighter. Now... I can't wait to see how all these kids will be like when they get older.

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