Chapter 9: The Plan

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Eren's POV

After lunch, Daddy said that we would have at least 5 more hours at his work place before heading back home. Mr. Farlan caught us playing, slipping us some money for the vending machine. All we had to do was not tell Daddy or Iris' mommy about the money. So we went off and tried to grab some candy. Sadly... we couldn't reach the number pad.

"Aw..." I say, shaking my head. "We're too short..."

Iris tapped on my shoulder, giggling a bit. "What if we used something to stand on?"

"Like what?"

Iris turned around, grabbing a stool from the play area, and dragged it over here. She puts the money in, pushes some buttons, and the candy begins to move. She jumped off the stool, taking out the candy and giggling a bit. Mikasa gasped too, and she went to follow Iris' lead. She too got a candy. I was the only one without a candy. Soon, I did get myself a candy.

We were busy eating when Iris asked a weird question: "Does your daddy like my mommy?"

None of us were gonna say another word. In addition to Iris' weird question, I asked a question that seemed really, really weird. "Does that mean we're gonna have a sibling?"

"W-What do you mean by that?" Iris asked as Mikasa perked up.

Mikasa then chirped into our little talks- trying to cover her face. "Well... Mr. Levi and Mr. Farlan said that when two people likes each other very much... they get a baby. That's what they both said."

Iris bats her eyes a bit, confused. "That's weird... Mommy told me that babies come from little birds in the sky."

"Oh! Oh!" I giggled, remembering it much more. "Daddy did say that that's how babies are made, but the birds gives them the baby. L-Like... uh... them making a wish!"

"You mean..." Iris' eyes opened widely a bit more. "I might be having a sibling...?"

I giggled, hugging Iris very, very tightly. "I might too! It'll be cool! We, we, we can be siblings too! You're like my biggest best friend, Iris, and you too, Mikasa!" I giggled more and more. "I think Daddy's working too much right now... but... we can go and talk to Mr. Farlan! Maybe we can ask him about how babies are really made."

We all agreed and started to run off to Mr. Farlan's office. He was busy going through papers, but once he saw our faces, he smiled and put the papers down. He crossed his hands together, leaning his head on it.

"What trouble are you guys stirring up now?"

We all giggled and walked right up to him. "Mr. Farlan," I asked, putting my hands behind my back, "how are babies made?"

I think it made him a bit angry because his cheeks went red. "Uh... why do you ask about this, Eren? Didn't your dad tell you how?"

"It's just because Iris also said how babies were made, but it was somewhat different. What's the real answer, Mr. Farlan?"

"What made you this curious?"

"Because we wanted to know if we're gonna get a sibling." Iris says, standing right next to me. Mikasa was also next to me, but on the opposite side of where Iris was. "If Eren said that we might get a sibling because if my mommy and his daddy likes each other... we get a sibling. But why are there birds involved?"

Mr. Farlan just laughed a bit, shaking his head. "You three don't need to worry about babies and stuff like that. You three are just young and innocent. You'll understand when you're older, alright? When you're older, you'll always understand better."

My arms crossed a bit. I've heard that too many times. When I'm older, I'll understand why I don't have my own mommy. When I'm older, I'll understand why people are bad. When I'm older, I'll understand why being a hero is harder than what the other heroes say it is. When I'm older, I'll understand how babies are made. Why is that so...? Is it because I'm a little kid and little kids can't understand anything? I wish I wasn't a little kid anymore. I wanna be an adult!

"Eren, what's wrong?"

He sees me pouting a bit, but I walked away. I don't want to hear any more of those excuses that adults tell us kids. I hate it- I hate it!

Iris seemed to have followed me because she was tapping on my shoulder. She smiled softly at me. Even though she was a bit younger than me... it always seems that she understood everything. 


She sits next to me, giggling a bit. "I think my mommy really, really likes your daddy. So... let's make a plan."

"A plan?"

She nods her head, continuing to giggle. "We're sleeping over at your house tonight- and my mommy likes it when I make her breakfast in bed. So... let's do that! Make some pancakes and coffee for my mommy and your daddy!"

"But... my daddy doesn't like coffee... he likes tea."

"We can make that for your daddy!"

I nodded my head, giggling a bit more. "Okay!"

"Don't feel angry anymore, okay?"

Once more, I nodded my head. "Alright!"

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