Chapter 21: Bed Time

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Hanji's POV

"And they lived happily ever after." I smiled softly to the sleeping babes. They had just fallen asleep when I was reading them their bedtime story. Their weary heads laid gently on the side of my soon, growing baby bump. How gentle they all looked in their sleep. "Goodnight, my little ones." 

Carefully, I moved Iris' head down onto her pillow, tucking her in softly. A kiss of goodnight and love was laid upon her warm forehead. The next part was to carefully carry the young boy over to his bed- which was across of Iris' bed. He scuffed a bit, but I didn't dare wake him.

Pulling his blanket open and laying the sleeping babe in his bed- I just can't believe how cute and still he was. He was around the same age as Iris... and I can't believe seeing their faces as they sleep always made me smile softly. So soft... so pure. There are no other pure happiness like this. 

I tucked him in, kissing his forehead. "Sweet dreams."

Was I perhaps going insane at this point? Falling into the depths of nothingness? I only had these weird ideas was due to the fact that I heard a soft voice. I couldn't tell who said it... but I know I heard it crystal clear. "I-I love you Mommy..."

Turning heel after hearing those words, Iris and Eren were fast asleep. Their soft snores filled the kids' bedroom. Who said those words? I would never have guessed who said it. The words were whispered so softly, I couldn't hear who said it. Since it was quick and stunned me in my steps, I never turned around. Those words would haunt me- a story to tell those two when they grow older. Perhaps it will freak their minds- or perhaps it would've made them laugh. Rarely would they admit that it was them saying those very words.

Exhaustion pulled me down- I was ready for a deep sleep for the night.

"That took longer than expected." Levi said gruffly, "What happened?"

I closed the bedroom door- ensuring it wasn't locked. "Nothing- just reading them a bedtime story. Got them to sleep nearly instantly." I say, crawling into bed with him. He was busy on his laptop- last minute works, no doubt.

"They did feed their fish, didn't they?"

"Like I would want their poor fish to die."

Levi closed his laptop, putting it on his desk. He crawled back into bed, sighing heavily and shaking his head. "Sometimes I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not. You tend to mix in your sarcastic tone and your normal tone together."

I chuckled softly, laying my head on his chest. "Oh well... that's just me."

A gentle kiss on my forehead as his hand crept towards my stomach. "Are you doing okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I'm just worried for you- that's all, Hanji. What? I can't be worried for you? Nor can I be worried for the little child inside of you? You must think I'm not a good father then."

"Okay- now who's the one being sarcastic?"

Exchanging soft chuckles, I somehow gotten into Levi's grasps. He wrapped his arms around me- firmly holding me in place. His chin gently rested over my shoulder... overlooking his hand caressing my baby bump. How lucky I was... having Levi...

"If anything- tell me if something goes wrong, okay? I care too much..."

"I could tell..." I chuckled softly, kissing his cheek. "I can see it in Eren."



Looking up, I could see Levi's eyes get a bit blurred. Why... I don't know. He takes a few deep breaths- I could feel his chest slowing rising and a fast exhale. "I don't want to pressure you... but... when the kids get into school... would you work?"


"I-I know we're having a baby on the way... but still... do you want to put your degrees into play?"

Thinking it through... I smiled softly. "Maybe. With my current degrees... I think I'll do fine as another intern in a biology study. Or perhaps a teacher..."

"Either way... I'm not forcing you- just wondering if you want to help support us. I just don't want to be the only parent working... if you know what I mean..."

I smiled softly, kissing him once more. "Levi, I know what you mean. And I promise... I won't have you the only one working. That I promise. Marriage is built on trust, promises. I'll work as soon as I can."

"What are you talking about marriage? We're not even married."


He chuckles softly, reaching out to a lamp and clicking it off. "Oh well... I guess our real wedding will come soon. For now... let's get some rest... okay?"

I chuckled a bit, taking my glasses off and drifting off to sleep... "Night... my little midget."

A soft scoff came from Levi as he held me even tighter. "Good night, my four-eyed freak."

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