Chapter 14: Exhaustion

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Levi's POV

"L-Levi, I don't even know where to start." Farlan sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I would've let it go if you were just in a relationship with Hanji, but... this? Pregnant now?"

"Just be glad that we're not hiding this from you." I scowled softly, shaking my head a bit. "But I didn't pressure her into keeping it. That was her own choice. We can keep it a secret... they wouldn't know if it is her ex's. All I know that it's my child. That's the truth."

Farlan nodded his head, rubbing his temples. "Okay, okay, we'll figure this out as soon as possible. Let's ensure that this stays a secret. I assume the little ones know?" I nodded my head in agreement, not saying any other words. "Since Iris is heading off to her father in a week... we need to ensure that she doesn't say a word. This will be the last time she will be there."

"I'm glad we can reach that agreement."

"Only on one condition."

I gave a confused look to Farlan as he just smiled softly at me.  "Which is what?"

He continues to smile, chuckling a bit. "As long as I'm this new kid's uncle." I must've gave him a weird look because he gave a heavy sigh and crossed his arms a bit. "Come on- I'm great with the kids. Look, even Eren likes me. This kid wouldn't be a problem... please?"

My shoulders rolled a bit as I gave in as well. "Well... I would say it's fine. But with Hanji... that's up to the mother. You need to ask her."

"Levi, am I really that bad?"


"Come on..." Farlan chuckled softly, shaking his head a bit. "At least enlighten me. Anyways... Hanji's outside, right? Bring her in please. I need to have a word with her regarding Iris. Oh, tell her to bring Iris as well."

Scoffing softly, I nodded my head and walked out. I called out to the two girls, seeing them enter Farlan's office. "Daddy..." I looked down, seeing Eren cupping his hands together and looking at me with complete worry. "What's going on with Iris and Miss Hanji...?"

I chuckled softly, kneeling down and kissing his forehead. "Nothing, Eren. Farlan and I are working together to make sure that the bad guy will be taken down. Iris is also going to be a hero."

"N-Not fair!" He gives a playful pout, shaking his head in disbelief. "I-I wanna be a hero too!"

"You will, in time, you will." I chuckled softly, picking him off the ground. I held him tightly, like he was a little babe. I smiled softly, running my fingers through his hair. So many memories of him when he was an infant... "If you wanna be a hero, you need to be willing to help others."

Eren giggles softly, nodding his head. "I do wanna be a hero!"

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Alright then. Iris is just going to be a hero for a few days... but you can be a hero when you grow older. But by that time, you can be a hero longer."

Once more, he giggles softly and taps my shoulder. "Okay! When will Iris be done? Mikasa and I were gonna play outside in the playground."

"Is someone going to watch you?" 

The playground was indeed right in front of the office, but it was wide open to the other public park. The rules were that the kids in the building must be watched at all times- so if they went to the park, an employee had to watch the kids to prevent kidnapping. I looked around the office floor, seeing no one available.

"N-No... but Miss Hanji said she'll watch us."

"Eren, you know the rules..." I say softly, kissing his cheek. "You need a worker to watch you guys. Miss Hanji's not allowed to watch you guys. I'll take some time off to watch you guys play."

"B-But... you're working..."

I chuckled softly, shaking my head a bit. "It's alright, Eren. You matter to me the most. So does Iris... and so does Miss Hanji. I'll be happy to take some time off to watch you play. After all... all children need to have some fun playing outside. Besides... when was the last time I went out to the playground with you?"

Eren giggles softly, nodding his head. "Can we have burgers for lunch?"

"Sorry bud- Miss Isabel's buying everyone some sandwiches from that sandwich store. Maybe next time we can have burgers- even better, we can have a party here. You know that Eld is great at grilling burgers."

"Oh... okay then..." He quickly kicks me, I know it was on accident, but it still pained me. "I-Iris!"

I chuckled softly, turning my head to see Iris and Hanji walking out. "You guys wanna go to the park now?"

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