Chapter 31: Holding Tight

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Levi's POV

"Listen here, Eyebrows..." I growled softly, holding our daughter close in my arms. "There's a restraining order- you're violating it just by being here. Don't give me some of those bull- those lies of yours."

He takes a few steps into the room, staring directly at our daughter. "How are you sure that it's yours and not mine? Apparently you two were too quick with each other- sleeping within days of meeting each other. It could very well be mine. Before she decided to leave... we had a good night with each other..."

"This child is mine and Hanji's. How else can it be yours? She doesn't have blonde hair or blue eyes like yours. She has my hair color and my eyes. My eyes are completely rare to have. Have you seen anyone one else with silver-like eyes as mine? I doubt it. I doubt you would have a gene like that in your blood."

He chuckles, trying to walk around the hospital bed. "So?"

I stood up, holding the child in my arms. "Leave now. I'm putting this into your case file. Defying a restraining order... how immature of you. This furthers the case of you never getting custody over Iris. You will never see them again. Now leave. I can call security."

From my side, I could hear Hanji groaning again. In my gut, I could feel this heavy guilt of waking her up like this. When this is over, I'll apologize to her with all of my heart. She needed her rest... and I ruined it. 

"Hey, baby..." It was a startling growl that made my heart jump. I didn't know I could growl like that... but whatever... this guy was trying to sweet-talk Hanji. After all of this... he's trying to get her under his manipulation again? "That was a hard task, huh...? Giving birth to our daughter?"

Holding our daughter close to my chest and away from Erwin, I pushed him with my hip. "Away, now."

Hanji opened her eyes, gasping when she saw that outline of that bastard. "E-Erwin-"

"I'm not leaving- it's my daughter. I bet she's lying about that child not being mine... so I don't have a reason to see her. It's my daughter- and I would want to prove it. Paternity test- right here and right now. I won't accept those words of hers."

That eye exchange between Hanji and I was synchronized. We nodded our heads- knowing fully well that I will pass the test. I was the father of this child... there was no doubt about it. "If... I do take the paternity test, and it says that I am the father, you are to forfeit all parental guardianship of Iris. If I pass the test... you are to never speak or see to any of Iris or Hanji. Cut all contact with them. You forget about them. How's that?"

"And... if you fail?" He said with a grin on his face. "What happens if you fail?"

"I'm highly confident that I wouldn't fail such a test like that." I chuckled a bit, kissing our daughter's forehead. "But if I were to fail... maybe I'll leave them all..."

"Levi!" Hanji's voice echoed in my ears. "Don't you dare take that gamble! Erwin, leave." She said so sternly- how well she had to chain her urges down like that. "My daughter doesn't involve you. Leave."

"I'm simply asking for a paternity test. Keep pushing me away, and I'll go to the courts to request it."

Hanji had reached out, tugging my sleeve for my attention. When I turned to her- distress filled her eyes. She knew something I didn't... and that, I didn't know what to say about that. Accept the offer and wait for her response? Or postpone it a bit more? What could I say in that moment? Time ran quickly at this point.

"Erwin, give me a few minutes to think." Hanji said sternly. "Go now before I call security. We'll talk about it later."

Erwin gave a slight chuckle, walking away. "Talk away- it won't do any good." He stepped out of view- across the hall. 

Hanji gripped me down, looking directly into my eyes. "I-I know him, Levi... he would... he would cheat his way there. He would do anything to ensure he can get custody... Levi... he would bribe people..."

"Four eyes," I chuckled, kissing her lips, "I can handle it. His DNA is on record for the cases. And... it's alright... we can use a paternity test on all the kids. If he tried to bribe them on our daughter's true father... then we can compare that to Eren. He can't exactly father our daughter and Iris if they're two different DNA samples... it'll show up as him fathering Eren- which is clearly impossible."

Thankfully, there was a sweet smile on Hanji's face. How it grew with relief filled my heart. "Okay then..."

"I'll be sure to ensure that someone reasonable would oversee everything here. No corruption here, Hanji. I know for sure that this is our little one- our daughter. It's not a gamble if it's the truth. I'll pull some strings to ensure that the person overseeing this case wouldn't be tied directly to either me or Erwin. Completely not knowing our deal. No bias. I promise you that. For now, hold onto our daughter and I'll talk to him about it."

She takes our daughter, cradling her gently. A soft coo filled the silent room. "Be careful..."

"Like I'm never careful, Hanji? Hah." I walked out of the room, glancing back inside the room. That soft smile of pure happiness on her face... she truly wanted to continue to be a mom. And... I have no reason to deny her that. Well... until she gets older... I'll try to convince her to take it slowly.

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