Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 is dedicated to vanstademichelle

Thank you for your support ❤


"Oh my god! Oh my god! Don't go in there!" Callie screamed at the TV in terror. "Omg, Liz! Do something!" she yelled, diving on me and crushing me into the sofa.

"Cals, you're killing me," I gasped. "What do you want me to do? Go in the TV and asked him nicely to stop terrorizing people?"

Trying to escape from Callie, while shielding my eyes from the horrific blood bath going on the TV, was an impossible feat altogether.

I was at her house for a movie night. We somehow ended up deciding to watch some creepy movie about a doll going on a massacre.

I finally managed to get her off me and shot her a glare.

"I wanted to watch Endgame, but no," I shouted, pointing an accusing finger at her, "You had to choose the most horrific movie in history!"

"Don't blame me," Callie whimpered while we sat there shaking like leaves.

After another murder, she was at her breaking point.

"I-I'm g-g-going t-to g-get a dr-drink," she stammered while fleeing the room.

I rolled my eyes at her flimsy excuse. The snack table was right in front of us and it was stocked up on food and juice.

Callie was gone for over ten minutes and I suspected that she was ditching the movie and camping out in the kitchen until it was finished.

I was still sitting with my head under a pillow to block out the tormenting sounds coming from the TV. I was about to turn it off and call it a night, but then there was a loud knock on the door.

How Callie heard it over the loud blare of the TV, I don't know, but in a flash she was at my side screaming.

"He found us, Liz! He's here! We're finished. We're dead. We're done for!" she dramatized.

"Callie, I'm sure it's not the killer doll... go answer the door."

"Why me?"

"It's your door, duh. Plus, it's your house. You should be the first one to get murdered."

I added the last part as a joke, but Callie took me serious and planted herself on the couch, refusing to move.

"Fine, fine. I'll come with you then," I offered, getting up and stretching.

We inched our way to the door and on the count of three, I threw it open. Callie then threw the remote through the door like a full-fledged coward. It landed a couple of meters away.

"Thanks Callie, for rescuing us from the invisible monster of the night."

"Hey girls."

I must have jumped seven feet in the air and Callie let out an ear splitting scream beside me. I looked around wildly before spotting Demetri. I narrowed my eyes at him when he started laughing.

"So are you going to let me in or are you going to stand there like you've just seen the Grim Reaper?" he smirked.

I stepped aside, letting him pass. Callie immediately latched herself onto him.

"You've come to rescue us!" she cooed happily.

He gave me a confused look before taking in the scene on the TV.

"Horror movie night?" he asked in amusement.

"It was supposed to be an Avengers night," I grumbled.

I tried to get comfortable on the sofa and closed my eyes. Hopefully I wouldn't have nightmares tonight.

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