Chapter 132

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Chapter 132 is dedicated to Miricle25

Thank you for your support ❤

Another two weeks passed and nothing eventful had happened. My parents and I were safe and Nicole didn’t appear to have encountered that guy again.

I was at Ashton’s house in the meeting room. We were about to leave for the annual Origen gala at the Cilan Kingdom. My parents had already agreed to the trip in an effort to help me forget about what had happened. They also trusted Ashton and Kevin, who were coming along.

Of course, they didn’t know that it was an Origen affair. It wasn’t something I could just mention like that, but they did know that a party would be involved and I had to listen to their millionth lecture about the importance of being safe. How fun.

“And that’s that,” Ashton concluded as Jackson made notes on his computer beside him.

Bianca and Beau were sitting on one side of me and Jun was sitting on the other, sulking because Kristof had dismantled all the traps he had set for Diana.

I guess he just wasn’t going to be won over by her that easily, despite her continued attempts to befriend him. Hopefully this trip changed that.

Diana had arrived about three days ago and she and Kristof were completely inseparable. They had already accepted each other, and he had marked her on a date they went on. There was a small moon symbol just above her collar bone. It was like a small birth mark.

Callie and Daniel had also accepted each other and he had marked her, but it wasn’t somewhere visible because that would just cause questions. Callie would not stop gushing about her first night with Daniel, something Melissa and I couldn’t relate to.

We were happy that they were happy. Kevin still had his qualms about Daniel, but he was willing to get to know him better for Callie’s sake. He was a gigantic upgrade from Demetri and it was nice seeing Callie getting all the love she deserved.

They were supposed to come with us, since Daniel was rank Epsilon, but Callie had movie scenes to shoot and she couldn’t get the time off. Daniel decided to hold off on going until next year when he could go with her. I smiled at their cute romance.

My mind flashed to Micah and my smile instantly vanished and was replaced by a frown. He still wasn’t responding well.

“What’s wrong, princess?” Ashton asked, coming over to me.

“It’s just… Micah.”

He frowned and I could see the consternation beginning to cloud his eyes.

“I’m going to go see him before we leave, okay?”

He nodded. “I have some last minute stuff to discuss with Jackson too. We’ll leave in a few, so take your time.”

I nodded and quickly headed to Micah’s house. Ashton had made provisions for him to move into a new house because this one was so old, but he adamantly refused. Esmeralda was planting seeds in the tiny garden at the front of the yard as I approached. She looked up with her usual scowl, but her eyes were much softer than they were a few months ago.

“Good morning,” I greeted her, “I came to check in on Micah before we go.”

She grunted and nodded towards the door. “The boy’s practically lifeless,” she sighed.

“At least he’s still breathing,” I said positively.

“Breathing doesn’t mean you’re living,” she muttered. “You can be dead on the inside.”

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