Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 is dedicated to chickenmonC

Thank you for your support ❤

I planned on taking responsibility for what had happened at lunch but Ashton didn't.

I scowled as the time ticked by and he was still a no show. The teacher was patiently grading papers at the front of the classroom.

"I can leave once the hour's up, right?" I asked.

"No, the hour starts when Ashton gets here."

I stared at her in disbelief but she went back to her papers. What time was I supposed to get home then? I scowled as I looked at the time. Ashton was probably home by now, laughing his head off.

It wasn't that surprising, though. Ashton never attended detention. And the teachers were tired of trying to force him to come. But he had landed me in here too, so I'd hoped that he would take responsibility this one time.

I sighed, and went back to my Pure Math homework. The time crept by and I had given up hope that Ashton would ever show his face. The next time I see him, I'm gonna-

"Mr. Rivera, how nice of you to finally join us."

I looked up in surprise to see Ashton. He saluted to her and sat down beside me. I couldn't disguise the glare I sent his way.

"Where were you? Detention started thirty-five minutes ago."

"That's none of your business."

I scoffed and turned away from him. He was so rude sometimes. Scratch that, all the time. The teacher observed us and then put her pen down.

"So, since you're both here, the detention officially starts now."

"You're leaving?" he asked as she gathered up her stuff.

She nodded. "You can leave at four thirty-five. I'm trusting both of you to stay here until then. Your task is to get to understand each other better and make up. Sort out your differences so that nothing like this will happen again."

She smiled and walked out. Ashton sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked suspiciously.

"I'm leaving."

"She just said she trusts us to stay here."


"So we're staying here until it's time to leave," I told him pointedly. "Stop breaking the rules."

"Oh yeah," he hissed. "I almost forgot how much of a teacher's pet you are."

"Call me whatever you want," I huffed, sitting back down.

I got back to my homework and he came over to stare at my book. I ignored him for as long as I could, but then he grabbed the book away.

"Hey!" I yelled, but he held it above his head with a smirk. "Give that back, Ashton."

"Take it if you can." He frowned. "Do you do anything besides reading and studying? How do you find this fun?"

"Reading is fun. Studying isn't, but it's necessary," I said, jumping up to get the book, but he switched hands.

I groaned. "Stop messing around, Ashton Rivera."

"Ooh, my full name. I feel so intimidated."

"I will karate chop you," I threatened.

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