Chapter 90

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Chapter 90 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

Callie's POV

Kevin, Mel and I walked along the streets in the Royal Realm.

"I'll contact him and see if he's here," he informed us.

I nodded and Mel gave me a nervous smile. I took a deep breath. After all these years... I never would have imagined Daniel coming back into my life like this. And to top it all off, he was a noble? First Kevin and Ashton and now him?

"Uh Mel," I started hesitantly.


"Trey's not an Origen is he?"

She laughed. "Not that I know of. I guess him and Demetri are the only normal guys we know. For some reason everybody's an Origen now."

"It seems like some weird Wattpad story that someone would write."

"Wattpad? What's that?"

"Some book reading app."

"Ah," she nodded. "Looks like you'd be the main character."

"Or Liz."

"Okay, so Daniel's here," Kevin announced. "And he really wants to talk to you. He wanted you to come over to his house, but I'm not down with that, so you're meeting somewhere else."

"I could go over," I shrugged. "It's no big deal."

"Callie... you really don't know if you can trust him right now. He has been gone for three years. People can change," Mel reminded me softly.

"And we won't be there with you," Kevin added. "He's a guy and I know how guys think, so I don't trust him."

"Okay, I don't care where we go either way," I shrugged. "I just want to get this over with."

"I'll take you to the park and tell him to meet you there," he decided.

We walked to the park, admiring the scenery around us. It was really beautiful. A few kids waved at us as they ran by. Kevin took me to a quiet spot in the park and I suddenly forgot how to breathe as a familiar pair of brown eyes landed on me.

Kevin and Mel glared at Daniel, but he thanked them for bringing me here.

"If you need us, just call," Mel said, motioning to her phone.

After they disappeared from sight, I slowly turned around to face Daniel.

I stared at the ghost who had haunted my love life for three years. He was cute before, but he'd definitely glowed up over the years. He was so handsome and he had gotten much taller. His carefree smile was gone and was replaced with a more serious expression.

I sat down at one of the benches and watched as some white birds dived beneath the silvery ripples of the lake. I waited for him to say something because I was not going to start the conversation when he was the one who'd asked me to come here in the first place.


His voice was full of emotion. A shiver ran down my spine after hearing my name on his lips.

He walked over to me and sat down on the bench. He smelled so nice. Everything about him was perfect. I pinched my arm in an attempt to get myself together. Yes, he was handsome, but he had also ripped my heart out from my chest. I was here to reclaim those missing pieces today. Then I could finally move on.

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