Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 is dedicated to chez_writes

Thank you for your support ❤

Age: 17

Age: 18



“Hey baes,” Melissa greeted as she met up with us at our lockers.

“Hey, you,” Callie waved, still beaming at her phone.

“Let me guess, Demetri?”

She nodded with a smile. It was nice to see Callie being happy again after so long.

“I didn’t know you were into bad boys.”

“Hey, leather jackets and tattoos do not make him a bad guy,” she defended.

“You know what I mean,” Melissa said. “He just seems like the dark brooding type.”

“I’m done with happy, carefree guys,” Callie said with a flip of her hair. “I wanted someone more mature.”

“How old is he again?” I asked.

“Twenty-three. What is this, an interrogation?”

“Yep,” Melissa said. “I just wanna make sure you’re happy, Cals.”

“I am,” she told us honestly and then glanced at me. “But on to the most important thing… Ashton Rivera.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“I’m just as surprised as you are,” I said as we moved towards home room. Melissa went to her class too.

Ashton wasn’t there yet, so I just moved to my seat. I’d definitely tell him thanks before first period.

Ashton came in with his entourage a few minutes after home room had started. He glanced at me, but I couldn’t decipher his expression. Nicole was shooting me glares all morning and it was starting to annoy me.

Homeroom droned on until the bell rang for first period. I had Biology now and I didn’t want to be late because it was my favorite class.

I told Callie to head to her class while I waited for Ashton. She nodded with a secretive smile and rushed off to her Performing Arts class.

“Hey,” I said as Ashton stepped out of the classroom. Nicole wasn’t with him. Good.

He motioned to his friends to go on without him and turned to me.

“What is it?”

“I… I just wanted to tell you thanks for saving me at the pool party, I really appreciate it,” I said in one breath.

He smirked. “I guess that means you owe me now.”

I looked up into his devious eyes, feeling a flicker of irritation. Of course he would use this as leverage.

“Okay,” I said peacefully.

I’d worry about that another time. Right now I needed to get to class.

“Hold on,” he said, holding my wrist. “You’re awfully agreeable today.”

The actions sent shock waves through my body. What was wrong with me? A simple touch from a demi-god had me reacting this way?


Did I just call Ashton a demi-god? Well in only a navy blue V-neck shirt and jeans he looked like just stepped off the runway. And his hair. It looked so silky soft. I wondered how soft it actually was. Why wasn’t my hair that soft? Sigh. Life was so unfair.

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