Chapter 140

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Chapter 140 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

Malekh stared at me and then a slow smile formed on his lips. “Even though you despise me, you’re willing to do that much for them?”

I pursed my lips, feeling dejected. However, if he agreed to it, then my freedom in exchange for Ashton’s life seemed like a good deal. I hated the thought of being mated to Malekh and I had to fight the urge to cringe and shudder.

He laughed lightly. “What an unfair deal for you. Even if I accept, I still cannot give up the plan. It’s not only my goal.”

My temper flared and I could feel my face heating up in anger.

“You really are despicable,” I hissed.

Malekh smiled. “I really am. The most I can offer you is the opportunity to return to your normal human life.”

“I don’t want to live a normal life when my friends could be killed!” I yelled at him. “Don’t you understand that? How could I live with myself?”

“How can I live with myself if I let my mother die in vain? How can he live when both of his parents died in vain?” Malekh asked grimly.

“I spent twenty years in complete darkness,” Demetri said. “I wasn’t even allowed to see my mother. She died after I only met her once.”

“That’s because of your father too,” I pointed out to Malekh.

“I know and he paid the price for his sins with his life.”

My breath hitched in my throat, as his black eyes stared back at me angrily.

“How did the king die?” I whispered.

“I killed him,” Malekh responded. “And I freed my kingdom from his tyranny. They’re happier now than they were before.”

I stared at him in horror. “You killed your own father?”

“It was for the sake of peace. Does that make me a monster in your eyes?”

My expression said it all.

“You are the self righteous one,” I spat. “Your father might have been a tyrant, but he never directly killed anyone. Do you think you have the authority to take anybody’s life you choose? Is life meaningless to you? Do you enjoy killing like a mindless animal?” I was angry and shouting at this point.

If he could have done something that grotesque to his own family, he could definitely do it to the royals in Crysauralia. The situation suddenly felt a lot realer and the thought of my friends suffering at his hand made my blood boil.

“Mindless?” he breathed. “I am simply delivering justice. He did kill people. I want to make this a better place. You see how everyone lives in the Crysauralia, especially the Omegas. The only ones who are happy are the nobles and the upper class. Nothing will chan-”

“It can change and it will!” I yelled. “You two really are selfish. You just refuse to put aside your thoughts of revenge.” I laughed mockingly. “Nothing will change? I think you’re just scared that when Ashton becomes the king, the kingdom will change and you’ll lose your motivation for revenge. Isn’t that right?”

I looked between them. Demetri leaned off the wall and I could see his canines extending.

“You’re actually just doing this to make yourselves feel better. You say you’re doing it for the kingdom, but the kingdom would be happy if they could see things change internally instead of war. You’re just cowards pursuing your own selfish desires.”

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