Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 is dedicated to NightPrincessWrites

Thank you for your support ❤

“You are this donut,” Callie said to me, waving her donut in my face.

“What? No, I’m not.”

“You have about as much emotion as this donut,” she pointed out. “Completely empty in the middle.”

“I’m not an actress like you are,” I laughed, tossing the script beside me on the bed.

“Cut!” director Melissa yelled from across the room where she was using my computer.

We were at my house and I was running lines with Callie for her audition. It was Friday and instead of going to the party, they had come over to my house.

Ashton had made sure to properly ignore me at school for the rest of the week. It felt like we had gone back to square one, although when thinking about it, square one wasn’t this bad. Ashton used to talk to me, albeit to make fun of me, but at least then he had acknowledged that I was there. Now there was nothing.

“Liz!” Callie yelled at me. “You’re spaced out again.”

I blinked, coming out of my daze.

“Uhhh… where were we?” I asked, picking up the script and flipping through the pages.

Melissa came over and sat cross legged beside me and plucked the script from my hands. “Let’s take a break,” she said.

“Okay?” I said suspiciously as she and Callie stared at me.

“Let’s talk about you,” Callie said, rolling over to lie on her belly.

“We established the fact that I’m a donut,” I joked drily, but they weren’t having it.

“You’re thinking about him aren’t you?” Melissa asked softly.

I stared down at the sheets and forced a smile. I was like glass front of them. They could see right through me.

“Don’t worry guys. He’ll be out of my mind soon.”

“I don’t know about that,” Callie thought aloud. “I mean, I don’t really understand how this whole soulmate thing works, but if you’re destined to be together, can you really forget about him?”

“She has a point for once,” Melissa smiled.

“I should know,” Callie sighed. “I’m the CEO of trying to forget about someone.”

“That’s also true,” Melissa pointed out and Callie rolled up the script and whacked her.

I laughed. “I know. It probably won’t be easy. But if you think about it logically, I should be fine soon. It’s not like we dated or anything.”

It was my turn to get hit with the script.

“I already told you, Liz. Love is illogical,” Callie said as she propped herself up on her elbows.

“It’s the scientific part of you, Dr. Donaldson,” Melissa grinned. “I don’t know if I agree that love is illogical, but you always look for the logic behind things. You always reason things out and I love that. But sometimes you have to look and listen with your heart too.”

“She has a point,” Callie nodded.

I smiled. “That’s our lawyer Melissa.”

“No, it’s lawyer Whatever Trey’s last name is,” Callie grinned and then it was her turn to get hit as Melissa whacked her with the script and I could tell she was blushing.

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