Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 is dedicated to Rarebabydimond

Thank you for your support ❤

My jaw must have hit the floor as I stared at the two people in front of me.

"Y-your majesties" I stammered, hurriedly getting into a curtsey.

Okay, what was going on? Maybe they just looked like the king and queen. There was no way they could be the real deal. And there was no way they could be Ashton's parents. That just didn't make any sense.

Maybe they were one of those families that were so obsessed with royalty that they got plastic surgery to look like them. Yeah, that had to be it.

I glanced up to see his mom smiling at me. No, there was no denying it. She was the queen. She looked exactly like Queen Arabella. Ashton's dad, King Caden, wore an expression of satisfaction.

His mother's face lit up with another dazzling smile and she flashed an excited look at her husband. Ashton's father smiled and offered me his hand, which I shook. His mother embraced me in a warm hug, which kind of took me by surprise.

"It's nice to meet you both," I said as politely as I could.

I sent a confused look Ashton's way but he didn't look at me. Instead, he was texting on his phone.

"I have been wanting to meet you ever since Ashton mentioned he found you!" she smiled happily.

"We're very happy for both of you," his father said with a slight smile.

I turned around and sent Ashton yet another confused look. Found me? We've been going to the same school for years.

"To introduce myself, I am Queen Arabella DeLorentes," she laughed. "But you already know that."

Ashton shook his head irately and ran a palm over his face. "Will both of you stop it? She has no idea what you're talking about."

His mom's eyes flashed to mine, and on seeing my confusion, her smile faltered. Her husband gave me a questioning look and sighed in disbelief when he saw how puzzled I was.

"You haven't told her?" he asked angrily. To this Ashton scowled.

"Then... do you know why you are here?" his mom asked me.

"Um-" I glanced at Ashton, but of course he wasn't looking at me. Great.

"No, I'm not exactly sure," I answered softly.

His mom gasped dramatically, covering her mouth with her palm. His father gave him a disapproving look. I could tell he was getting angrier by the second.

"Ashton," he began while trying to keep his voice level. "You brought her here without telling her anything about this?"

Ashton's jaw clenched and his eyes hardened. "I told you I didn't want this. I brought her here to change your mind."

His dad brought down his fist onto the desk with so much force that I jumped in shock. His mom's eyes flitted from Ashton, to me to her husband.

"Your majesty, calm down. Ashton will figure this out the right way," she said. She gave Ashton a stern look. "You will sort this out."

Ashton scoffed and rolled his eyes. I glanced around the room feeling awkward. They were discussing me, but I couldn't understand what they were talking about.

I hated situations like this. The awkward moment when you're at someone's house and they start arguing with their parents, and you're just there like, That's an interesting wall.

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