Chapter 141

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This final chapter is dedicated to all of you, my lovely readers!

Chapter 141 is dedicated to all the people who have read, the people who are reading and the people who will read in the future!

Thank you so much for all your support❤

Demetri's Time In Crysauralia- Demetri's POV

The only good thing about Crysauralia was the food. Burgers were the best in my opinion. But in this particular restaurant, the burgers sucked.

I should have known better than to eat here. The place was called Wackdonalds for crying out loud. I stared at the greasy, oily mess in front of me. It still amazed me how the common people ate stuff like this. At least for us, our bodies could handle it. And even I didn't want to try this.

My phone vibrated and I dug into my pockets to see who it could be. It could be one of two people, my brother or Callie, the common girl I'd saved on a whim three years ago. She'd made it her duty to stay in touch with me.

"Demetri," Malekh's smooth voice came over the line. "What are you doing? Can you talk now?"

"I'm just clogging my arteries, nothing major. What's up?"

"I'd like to make an adjustment to the plans."

I was silent as I waited for him to continue. I'd already waited three years for this chance. What kind of adjustments could he possibly want to make?

"Don't go after the king of Crysauralia. I-"

"What the hell?" I growled. "What the f*ck do you mean don't go after him?!"

"I'm calling it off for now. Getting rid of King Caden is not your main objective anymore."

My mood turned icy as his words registered. There was no way he could be thinking of backing out of this now. I still needed his help. It must be them, his new little toys that were causing him to make these changes.

"Calm down, brother," he placated, knowing I was already pissed. "You'll still get your revenge, just not yet. I want you to keep an eye on someone. Prince Ashton."

"Prince-" I paused and glanced around the room to make sure no-one was paying attention to my conversation. I lowered my voice. "Where the hell am I supposed to find him?"

"He's closer than you think." I could hear Malekh's smile. "Lucky for you, he's in Crysauralia."

"He returned?"

"He never left."

I narrowed my eyes at his nonchalance. "Since when did you know about this?"

"I have my ways."

"And you wait until now to mention it?"

"It didn't matter at the time."

I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't even be surprised. This was just like him to keep all his cards hidden until the right moment. But the prince being in Crysauralia was a surprise. A welcome surprise. I smiled.

"Just tail him for now. He's going to Westwood High."

"Got it."

There was a click and he was gone. I was working with Malekh for three reasons.

One. He was the one who'd given me this taste of freedom and I at least had to repay him for that.

Two. He had the same goal. The destruction of Crysauralia's royal family. They were the root of the kingdom, but they absorbed nothing but poison.

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