Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 is dedicated to everyone reading this right now!

Thank you so much for 8K reads!

Your reads, follows, votes and comments always make my day. Love you all😘

After a minute or two we ended up at a secluded wooded region.

“You can’t even withstand this much and you had the audacity to threaten me?” the king’s voice sneered. “How will you lead the kingdom if you’re like this?” he paused, then chuckled lightly. “But then again I might have overdone it tonight. You managed to get me to turn up the intensity on you… I didn’t think I would have to use that yet… you’re making progress. I’ll reward you with some rest.”

Kevin cautiously entered the clearing and stretched his hand out behind him, keeping me back. I tried to see past him, but the trees on either side of us were blocking my view.

“Kevin… and Elizabeth,” the king said even though he couldn’t see me. His voice had a burst of easiness. I could almost hear his reserved smile.

Kevin tensed slightly. He stepped back as the king exited with a sigh.

“Dear, this is nothing for you to see,” he frowned. “But then again, you know that you can make everything better,” he whispered and left.

Kevin rushed into the clearing and I ran behind him. Ashton was lying in the middle of the clearing. He didn’t move or respond as I knelt beside him in panic. He was unconscious and was bleeding from both nostrils. My breath hitched in my throat. There were no visible signs that he had been hit. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and checked his pulse.

Kevin trembled in rage beside me and I was worried he would storm off after the king.

“Kevin,” I gasped, but I didn’t have time to worry about whether he would or not.

Without a ring, the king wouldn’t be able to hurt him. Right?

I got behind Ashton and tried to push him up by the shoulders. I knew that muscles weighed a lot, but by the time I managed to sit him upright I was wheezing. I let his body lean on me and I nearly toppled over. I guess I needed to start exercising. I pressed all my weight against him so that he was leaning forward.

Sitting him in an upright position helped to prevent the blood from running down his throat and choking him. I gently but firmly pinched the soft part of his nose and set a fifteen minute timer on my phone. That should stop the nosebleed.

After a minute had passed, Kevin managed to regain his composure. He helped me to support Ashton with his body.

“Thanks, Liz.”

“Hey, it’s nothing,” I said. “I just wished I had tissue or cotton pads,” I frowned as blood dripped slowly from Ashton’s nose.

“I should have come sooner,” he growled, punching the ground.

“Hey, don’t do that,” I cautioned as his hand scraped against a rock.

“This will be better in a few minutes,” he sighed.

“What did his dad do to him?” I asked shakily.

“I think he did the mind thing that he usually does. But this time it’s different,” he frowned. “Ashton’s never passed out from it before.”

“The king did say he turned up the intensity,” I remembered.

“That means what he’s been doing all this time wasn’t even the full power,” Kevin scowled, punching the ground again. I grabbed his hands and held them in a ball in my lap.

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