Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 is dedicated to delilahasas12

Thank you for your support ❤

I groaned and stretched as I left the palace. It felt nice feeling the warm sunlight on my face after such a stuffy day. I glanced at my watch, wondering how much time I had left to make it to class. Kevin was supposed to pick me up in a few minutes since Ashton was away.

I looked up when the sound of footsteps rounded the corner. Raúl came towards me, but his eyes seemed to go right through me as he wandered into the courtyard. His lips were uncharacteristically turned down and he filled the air with sighs.

I went up to him to see what was wrong. He finally noticed I was there and tried to paste on a smile.


“You don’t have to call me that, you know,” I smiled.

“I know, but it’s my new nickname for you.”

“Are you okay?” I asked as I sat beside him.


“Hey,” I gave him a soft nudge with my shoulder. “It’s just me.”

He sighed and allowed his smile to crumble. “Honestly, no I’m not.”

“What’s wrong? Is it something I can help with?”

“No. It’s just that Thalia and I broke up,” he said softly, kicking a tuft of grass.

So that was why he looked so down. I frowned.

“I’m sorry. I know you liked her quite a lot. Maybe you two can try talking things through,” I suggested.

“I can’t do that anymore.” He shook his head. “She won’t answer her phone. I don’t blame her though, it’s my fault. I should have listened to her. I wanted to make her happy, but I ruined everything instead.”

He ran a distraught hand through his hair, and I patted his shoulder to try and cheer him up.

“Was that a gift?” he asked, nodding to my necklace.

I automatically reached for it and a small smile rose to my face as my fingers ran over the intricate, yet delicate design of the small pendant.


“It’s the royal flower,” he said with a slight smile. “I’m guessing it’s from Ashton.”

“It is,” I admitted as a blush tinged my cheeks.

It was still pretty hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I had gone out with Ashton. It was even harder to come to terms with the emotions I was feeling towards him. It wasn’t possible for me to like him. Was it?

“I thought giving her gifts would make her happier,” he continued. “I thought it would make her like me more.”

“Well a gift might make her happier, but it doesn’t have to change the way she feels about you. Sometimes it’s the little actions that make a big difference.”

He mulled that over.

“Is that why you broke up?”

“Yes and no,” he said slowly. “I kept buying her gifts, but she said they were too expensive and returned to them to me. I tried to get things that I thought she would like, but they only seemed to make her angry. We argued.” He sighed. “She asked me not to buy anything else and said that if I did, she would end the relationship. I agreed, because I didn’t want to lose her and I didn’t want to make her sad. I thought everything went back to normal until today.”

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