Chapter 39 Pt. 2

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Chapter 39 is dedicated to everyone reading this right now!

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Age: 24


My lips parted in surprise.

"Micah?" I said, going towards him. I could hardly believe my eyes.

"Elizabeth?" he gasped in surprise.

"Huh?" Jun said, a little annoyed, "You know him?"

"We go to the same school," I smiled. "Micah is like my precious little brother."

Jun narrowed his eyes at Micah. "Is that so."

"Jun, do you know how dangerous this is? He could get hurt," I said, removing the apple and placing it in Jun's hand.

"Hey, I rarely miss," he defended. "He just wouldn't stop moving. Damn Omega," he grumbled. Then his eyes lit up, "Since you just took away my toy, you'll just have to entertain me now," he grinned.

I didn't like the mischievous gleam in his eyes, but if it meant that Micah didn't have to be target practice anymore, I was happy to help. How bad could it be?

I waved goodbye to Micah, who was still very much confused and followed blindly behind Jun who was pulling me excitedly through another set of trees.

"Let's go prank Kris," he grinned wickedly.

Kristof was one of the persons I really did not want to prank. In the end, we ended up bothering Beau before we could even get to Kristof. Beau was also on the list of persons I didn't want to bother.

Needless to say, Jun got scolded and Beau told me not to hang out with him if I wanted to keep my sanity.

I used this time to slip away from Jun who was still full of energy and pranks. I still wanted to find Micah, since I didn't really get to talk to him.

"Hey," someone spoke behind me.

I turned around to face a guy who looked to be a couple years older than me.

"You're the one who helped out my brother?" he asked.

I cocked my head to the side. The guy looked familiar somehow, but I didn't think I knew him.

Suddenly, Micah appeared beside him. When they were standing side by side, I could see the resemblance. They had the same eye color.

"Hi, Elizabeth," he smiled. He seemed to have gotten over how he was feeling a few minutes ago.

I smiled back at him.

"I'm Elizabeth. I go to Micah's school," I introduced myself to the guy. I offered him a hand, which he took and shook with a huge smile.

"Elizabeth," he repeated. "I've heard a lot about you from Micah. I'm Armani, his older brother."

"It's nice to meet you," I said. "Micah's a really nice guy. My friends adore him."

They led me to a bench and we all sat down.

His older brother still wore an expression of confusion. "Did you come here with someone from your school?"

"I came with Ashton and Kevin. Do you know them?"

His expression said it all. All hints of friendliness vanished immediately.

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