Chapter 128

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Chapter 128 is dedicated to golden_glorfi

Thank you for your support ❤

Micah stood in front of the mirror, staring at himself without a smile. Esmeralda patted his chest.

“I see your parents in you. I see that damn Armani too,” she chuckled as she examined the suit. “That young fool had to go and kick the bucket before I could kill him for getting into another fight.”

Micah had lost a few pounds from going three days without eating. His eyes were red and puffy and his face looked more angular. He just stared at the mirror before turning to me.

It broke my heart to see him look so hopeless, as if he had lost all desire to go on. Esmeralda told me to keep an eye on him while she went over to her house. She warned me to not get into any fights too.

Micah sighed as she left and sat down on the bed. He hadn’t gone to his room since we got back three days ago; he only stayed in Armani’s. Armani’s scent was still there, so it comforted him, but it was going to fade away eventually.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

He closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t want to live anymore… but I don’t want to die either. If I die, we all lose.”

That sounded familiar. Armani had said something like that before. It was heart-breaking to hear him say that he didn’t want to live.

“I want you to live, Micah,” I said, cupping his face in my hands. “And so does Esmeralda. Armani would want you to keep living your life too.”

“He told me that he wanted to see me grow up and become a lawyer,” Micah croaked as a tear slid down his cheek. His face contorted in anger. “But he just left me like this! How can I become a lawyer when there is no justice in the world?”

“There is justice, Micah,” I answered with a sigh. “Sometimes bad things happen to good people.”

“Why?” he cried. “Armani didn’t ask to be born an Omega. But that’s why he… he…” Micah couldn’t bring himself to say the words. “He was just twenty-four! In ten years I lost both my parents and my brother!”

“Bad things don’t discriminate. They happen unexpectedly to anyone, even to good people too. It’s just the cycle of life. But no matter what, the good you do will always be remembered in someone’s heart.” I paused. “What do you think Armani would say if he was here right now?”

“Make sure you smile at my funeral. And don’t you dare bury me underground where I can’t see the sky.”

I smiled with a nod of agreement. “That does sound like something Armani would say.”

“He would say, ‘I love my little brother more than my own life’,” Esmeralda added, coming back into the room. She wore all black with a black shawl over her head. “I know that, because it’s something he told me before. Now are we just going to sit around talking about the good old days?” she asked impatiently. “Don’t keep your brother waiting.”

The funeral service was short and to the point. A lot of tears were shed. Micah got to view his brother’s body one last time before the cremation. Armani’s face was peaceful and he wore a slight smile.

“He got to meet up with your parents first,” Esmeralda said, dabbing at her eyes. “They probably weren’t expecting him so soon. They should just send him back.”

A few Omegas turned up. It was a pleasant surprise becsuse I didn’t expect them to be there after those Betas had threatened them not to come. I kept looking back for Ashton, but he never showed up. I spotted someone like Jun outside, but he was gone as soon as I saw him and I wondered if I had imagined it.

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