Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 is dedicated to everyone reading this right now!

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Your reads, follows, votes and comments always make my day. Love you all😘

Rap Rap

I looked up from my book to see Ashton.

He sighed. “I’ve been searching for you all morning.”

“Well, you found me,” I muttered, going back to my book.

“I should have known to check the library,” he mused and looked around. “But then again, you’re all the way around here. No one comes around here.”

I nodded and turned the page. He leaned against the table and observed my book.

“You’re studying Biology?”

I nodded again.

He rolled his eyes. “You’re always studying. Can’t you take your nose out of a book for a minute?”

“Right now, this is the only thing in my life that makes sense,” I said turning the page.

“But I need to talk to you.”

I shot him an irritated glare. “What is it?”

He slid into the seat beside me. “I need to have the bracelet investigated before the king finds out what I’m doing. How much longer are you going to drag this out?”

I let out a shaky breath. He leaned down to my height and stared at me. I pulled back from him, a bit shocked at how close he was. His fingers trailed up my cheek to my eyes.

“You’ve been crying.”

“Mind your business,” I said, pushing his hand away.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry for what I said to you yesterday.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and he raised his hands.

“Really, I went too far.

I tried to figure out if he was being sincere or not. In the end, I just waved it off.

“It’s fine,” I mumbled.

I could feel the sadness welling up again just thinking about it. I didn’t want to cry in front of him.

“You should go before Nicole starts looking for you.”

“Don’t worry about her.”

“Ashton, just go. Please,” I added softly.

He frowned and I dipped my head, so that my hair would shield my tears.

“Elizabeth,” he breathed, leaning closer to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything.” I bit back a sob. “Your dad could be right.”

I sniffed as he tilted my chin so that I was looking at him. His expression was unreadable.

“What are you talking about?”

I shook my head free from his hand and hastily brushed my palm over my eyes.

“I was adopted.”

He froze beside me. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “They told me everything.” I winced, remembering Liv.

He nodded slowly and sighed as his fingers drummed along the table in thought. He looked over at me suddenly.

“When did you find out?”

“Two nights ago.”

“So you were crying when I called you,” he groaned. “And then I went and said that to you yesterday.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it isn’t.”

“I’m fine,” I hissed.

“No, you’re not.”

I looked up at him and I really wasn’t expecting the softness in his eyes.

“You can cry if you want to. No one will come all the way around here.”

I sniffed. “You’re the last person I would cry in front of.”

He turned around so that he wasn’t facing me. “There, now I won’t see you.”

I stared up at the ceiling, but I couldn’t stop the tears that fell, no matter how hard I tried to keep them at bay. I felt so lost. I buried my face in my hands, wishing I knew what to do.

After a few seconds, I felt myself being enveloped in a warm embrace. I tried to pull away, but he held me close. I just stayed there. It felt nice to be comforted like this. His touch was gentle and his smell was soothing.

When I was sure that my tears were dried, I leaned off him. I avoided his eyes at all costs. I was sure my face was tinted a bright shade of red.

“Congratulations, you’ve cried in the arms of a prince.”

I glared up at him and a small smile played on his lips.

“I’m sure you know the feeling after breaking so many hearts,” I snapped as my face heated up even more.

“Ouch,” he said, holding his heart.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the bracelet. I watched as the tiny jewels sparkled in the sunlight that filtered through the windows. I placed it on the desk in front of him.

“There you go.”

He picked it up, turning it over and over in his hands. His forehead furrowed as he inspected it.

“Don’t lose it,” I warned.

“I won’t,” he waved me off.

I frowned.

“You should cheer up. Go watch a movie or something,” he suggested.

“Do you really think a movie will make my day any better?”

He shrugged and then grinned. “I’ll find one for you.”

He pulled out his phone. “Siri, find me a movie.”

‘The Retired Pirate in Search of Love’

I stifled a laugh.

“That sounds depressingly funny, but hey, it might be good,” he defended.

I searched up the ratings.

“Okay, it’s a 2.5. It’s halfway decent,” I mused. “But if I’m watching it, then so should you.”

“Okay,” he agreed. “But based on the ratings, I say it sucks.”

“I say it could be fun.”

“You are obviously not a movie connoisseur.”

“And you are?” I asked incredulously.

“I’m a lot of things.”

“Yes. Yes you are,” I laughed.

The bell rang and I gathered my stuff together. “You know, you’re not such a bad guy when you’re like this.”

“I’m not a good guy either, so try not to fall for me,” he smirked.

I gagged. “That’s impossible. And please, please, please be careful with my bracelet,” I reminded him as I left.


Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

The bracelet is finally going to be investigated. What will the result be?

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See you in the next chapter!

The Prince's Soulmate | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora