Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 is dedicated to Taneisha432

Thank you for your support ❤

Kevin took my hand and bolted through the cafeteria, taking me with him. I looked back to see Ashton at his usual level of anger now. Melissa and Callie sat with their mouths agape.

He didn’t stop running until we were around the corridor and I didn’t have much of a choice but to follow.

After he finally decided to stop, he turned around with an excited grin on his face. I was panting at this point. This kind of exercise was not for me.

“Kevin!” I yelled when I managed to catch my breath. “I think you just made it worse. Did that book I hit you with remove all your rationality? You’re going to make Ashton mad at you again."

“Ashton was in a decent mood, so I decided to push his buttons a little,” Kevin laughed as I shook my head in disbelief. He grinned at me and then grimaced. “He’s yelling at me right now. He’s gonna kill me later.”

“How can you be so calm?” I asked incredulously. “And how can you even hear him from this far away?”

“I’ll tell you later, but for now, let’s just get to class.”

“I have English and Literature with Callie and Ashton,” I realized in horror.

“I have that with Mel now too. May the force be with you!” he called as he walked off to class.

Great, this was going to be a long hour.

Callie walked into class slowly, like a lioness hunting her prey. I buried my head even further into my copy of Romeo and Juliet. Ashton came in a bit later with his jaw clenched. I could feel his gaze on me. Way to go, Kevin.

Callie dropped her bag on the desk dramatically and slid into the chair beside me.

“What’s up, Elizabeth?” she asked as nonchalantly as she could while using my full first name.

“Haha, I’m doing good Cals,” I smiled at her nervously.

She turned to face me with a serious expression, but as we made eye contact, we both burst out laughing.

“Okay, I was trying to be serious, but that failed,” Callie laughed as the teacher came in. “But don’t think I’m going to drop the subject.”

We turned to the page where we had left off last class. We were at the part where Romeo had just met Juliet at the party, completely forgetting about his ‘love’ Rosaline. I guess it wasn’t love but just infatuation.

How could you get over someone you loved so quickly?

“Okay, class,” the teacher said after we finished reading the scene. “In groups of three, please spend your remaining time answering these essay questions.”

She erased the already clean board, then began writing the questions. The entire class groaned.

I looked over to my left to see that the person we usually worked with was not at school.

“We can do this together as a pair then,” Callie suggested and I nodded.

Somehow our teacher’s ultra hearing picked that up.

“No, no ladies. There should be an even amount to form groups of threes,” she announced.

I explained to her that our group member was missing. She fixed her glasses on the bridge of her nose and frowned before her sharp eyes caught someone at the back of the class.

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