Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 is dedicated to Imanigraceking

Thank you for your support ❤

As we entered the house, the guys came filing down the stairs.

"Hey, Elizabeth!" Jun waved, skipping some steps and crashing into me, giving me a hug. "Entertain me."

I was a bit unnerved by his endless amount of energy.

"Keep your hands to yourself," Ashton hissed, pulling Jun off me by his hoodie.

Jun let go unwillingly before running off to go torment Kristof.

Jackson shook his head. "Jun needs to grow up. Please don't entertain his antics."

Haha... it was a little too late for that.

"How old is he?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He just turned thirteen. He's the youngest one here. That's pretty obvious." He grimaced as Beau tried to pull Jun off Kristof.

"C'mon Kris, let's fight!" Jun chuckled excitedly.

I giggled. He was still very much a kid. He was a year younger than Micah too. I hoped that in the future, they would be able to play together evenly, instead of Jun's one sided games.

Jun flew from Kristof back to me in a matter of seconds.

"Let's do something fun!" he said buzzing with energy.

"I'll play with you another time," I promised. I seemed to be making a lot of those promises recently.

"Iie, ima asobu! (No, play now!)" he said in what I think was Japanese.

He latched onto me again and Jackson rolled his eyes.

Suddenly, Jun let me go with a glimmer in his eyes and turned to Ashton. "Yes!" he said pumping his fist in the air.

"Oh dear," Beau sighed.

"Nice knowing you kid," Raúl laughed.

"What happened?" I asked.

Kevin suddenly appeared beside me. "Ashton just promised to fight Jun if he'll leave you alone," he chuckled. "Sorry this ended so late, are you ready?"

"Fight?" I asked worriedly. "They're going to fight?" I turned to Ashton. "Don't you dare hurt him."

"I'll go easy on him, relax."

"No!" Jun shouted. "Give me everything you've got."

"Those will be your last words if you think you're on Ashton's level." Kristof remarked.

"Let's leave them to it," Kevin whispered to me and I nodded in response. I wanted to go home now.

"Bye guys," I waved.

Jun gave me a tight hug, burying his face in my shoulder. "I like hugging you."

Everyone froze, then turned around at the same time and looked at Ashton.

"So you chose death," Ashton said darkly.

"Now you'll fight me with everything you have, right?" Jun laughed.

"You idiot," Raúl grinned.

"Yeah, time to go," Kevin said leading me away from the guys and through the door.

"Is Jun always that... energetic?" I asked.

"I think chaotic is the word you're looking for. We had to kick him out of the meeting four times today," he groaned.

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