Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 is dedicated to everyone reading this right now!

Thank you so much for 9K reads!

Your reads, follows, votes and comments always make my day. Love you all😘

The next day at lunch, Kevin went to socialize with the other members of his crew and then came over to our table as our favorite redhead came into the cafeteria, wearing sunglasses. She sashayed over to us and then posed dramatically, flinging the glasses off.

"A star has arrived," she laughed as she sat beside me.

We stared at her in anticipation as she slowly unwrapped the lunch she had bought on her way here.

"Callie, you're killing us here. How did the audition go?" I asked, shaking her shoulders and she giggled.

She tried to drag out the suspense, but then failed and started gushing about her day.

"I almost didn't get to audition," she explained. "The director was all," she put on a French accent, "You haven't even left high school yet and you have zero experience, are you trying to waste my time?" She rolled her eyes.

"But you got to audition, right?" Melissa asked hopefully.

Callie nodded. "By the time they start production for the movie, I'd have graduated already, and the requirements didn't ask for experience," she shrugged. "So they couldn't really stop me."

Her eyes lit up. "Mila was there too," she cooed. "I was so nervous when I stepped into the room and she was sitting on the panel, but I did my best."

We all came down on her with crushing hugs. She laughed again and took a bite of her salad. She continued eating and smiling, but she was a lot quieter than usual.

I glanced at Melissa and Kevin and they looked uneasy too.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked Callie hesitantly.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. I'm super," she laughed, giving me a thumbs up and we saw through it that time. She was acting.

"You don't have to pretend when you're around us, you know," Melissa encouraged.

She just nodded.

"Come on," I said, gently nudging her with my shoulder. "Tell us what's wrong."

"If I stop smiling right now, I will just fall apart," she sighed. "And I'd rather not do that here."

We waited patiently as she finished less than half of her lunch and put the rest away.

"You're not going to finish that?" Kevin asked.

"I'm not that hungry," she admitted.

"Okay, let's go," he said and we all got up, dragging her up with us.

"Where are we going?"

We walked around to our usual gazebo and sat Callie there. She stared up at us, surprised.

"Now we're all alone," Kevin said, gesturing to the empty park.

"Guys." Callie let out a shaky breath. Her smile faltered as she stared at our concerned faces.

She finally let down her mask and that was the saddest I'd seen Callie look in a long while.

"I just..." she sighed, unable to find the words.

I comfortingly stroked her hair and her tears began to fall.

"It's because of him, isn't it?" Kevin hissed through gritted teeth.

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