Chapter 104

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Chapter 104 is dedicated to imrosslynch

Thank you for your support ❤

Elizabeth's POV

I stared at the two men sprawled on the concrete ground just a few feet away from me. Letting out the shaky breath that I’d been holding, I shifted my gaze to Jun who was examining the gun without a care in the world.



“Please tell me you only knocked them out.”

He grinned at me. “I tried to warn them.”

Well, goodbye freedom. We were going to get thrown in the dungeon now. We should probably escape while we had the chance to.

“There they are!” a voice bellowed, cutting my thoughts short.

I could hear the sounds of boots rushing down the corridor. It didn’t take them long to find us.

“It’s those two!” a burly man shouted as the royal guards surrounded us.

“But he’s just a kid and she doesn’t look dangerou-”

“They are the ones who blew up the palace!” he yelled, pointing an accusing finger in our direction.

A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead as one of the guards moved towards me. In one swift, fluid motion, he was behind me.

“Don’t try to resist,” the leader boomed. His face contorted in anger. “This is treason.”

We were definitely going to the dungeons now for sure. I gulped, seeing the glint of the metal on their sides.

If we were lucky.

*Two hours earlier*

“And that’s why I’ll never eat peanut butter again. True story,” Beau declared, wrapping up his tale about the horrors of peanut butter.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight after such a horrific tale. I’ll dream of peanut butter zombies chasing me.”

“The crunchy ones are the most dangerous,” he chuckled. “You definitely have to outrun them.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

“There you are,” Jackson said, appearing around the corner. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

Beau stifled a laugh. “Oh, have you?”

“Yes,” Jackson continued, not sensing the playfulness behind his friend’s answer. “And you’re blocking telepathy. Stop that.”

“It’s only blocked for you, Jax,” Beau said, patting him on the shoulder. “Sometimes I forget I’m older than you, lighten up a little.”

“I have to finish all of this work before the gala at the Cilan Kingdom,” he grunted. He turned to me with an apologetic smile. “I need to borrow Beau for a few hours.”

Beau turned to me. “I’ll see you at the festival, your highness.”

“I look forward to your company, Lord Beau,” I said, playing along with a curtsey.

After they were gone, I decided to go explore the palace grounds for a while. It was fun to walk around the gardens and look at the flowers. Occasionally I came across some of the staff, but they were apparently given instructions not to talk to me.

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