Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 is dedicated to My_creations_

Thank you for your support ❤

"Mmm... more chocolate please," someone groaned beside me.

I yawned and opened my eyes. Callie's leg was draped over me and Melissa's hand was stretched across my belly. When did I become a pillow for these two?

"Girllsss," I groaned, wiggling to break free.

Melissa and Callie opened their eyes and stretched drowsily.

"Morning!" Callie chirped brightly.

"What time is it?" Melissa asked sleepily.

Callie glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and then got out of bed.

"It's just after eight. Come on," she said, grabbing my feet and pulling me off the bed. Melissa just rolled over until she was at the edge and then fell off.

"We're leaving at twelve and I still haven't checked out the hot tub," Callie complained.

"You have a hot tub at home," I reminded her.

"Yeah, but this one is by the beach," she grinned.

"I'm not alive until I get some coffee," Melissa grumbled, still half-asleep.

After we took turns using the bathroom and got dressed, we headed downstairs. Trey and Kevin were playing a basketball video game. Ashton lounged around the table on his phone and Demetri was nowhere to be seen.

"G'morning," Kevin said as the game ended in a tie. "I need to tell you two something important," he said to Melissa and Callie.

He looked at me and nodded and I got a feeling that I knew what he was about to tell them.

"At least let me tell my man good morning first," Callie yelled as he led them outside.

Trey blew a kiss to Melissa and then smiled at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks," I smiled back at him.

I could feel Ashton's gaze on me. I'd thought a lot about what Kevin had told me last night, how the king was trying to control Ashton in more ways than one. I wanted to believe that Ashton wasn't as bad as he had seemed yesterday. I was not going to apologize to him, but I at least wanted to make an effort to understand what he was going through.

I turned around to face him and our eyes connected. Okay, I could do this.


"Hey," Demetri interrupted as he came into the room.

I groaned internally. Great, just when I had managed to work up the courage to talk to him.

"Do you know who this belongs to?" he asked, holding something golden. I looked closer. Wait, that was my necklace.

"That's mine..." I said. "How did you get that?"

"It was sitting on top of the trash," he explained casually.

I whirled around as Ashton stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him in anger.

"Wait!" I called and was about to go after him, but Demetri caught my hand.

He dropped the necklace into my palm and went into the kitchen. I followed him hesitantly. Maybe I should let Ashton cool down a little.

"Did you find this in here?' I asked, peering into the trash can.

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