Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 is dedicated to virtuouslittlewolf
Thank you for your support ❤

Elizabeth's POV

“Can’t you stay over tonight?” Ashton asked casually as Kevin came to drive me home.

I laughed. Kevin laughed. Melissa laughed. We all laughed.

“If I ever do something like that again, I’ll have to live with you because my parents would kill me,” I informed him.

“You can live here,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

Kevin and Melissa were ecstatic to see that Ashton had woken up. Apparently he had mind-blocked the guys after he'd woken up, so he could spend some time alone with me. Jackson, of course, with his continuous mountain of work was not pleased.

He unblocked them after he'd told me what went down on Monday. Jun was buzzing around him, asking to fight to the death.

“You know what? I’ll drive Elizabeth home today,” Ashton decided.

Jun was disappointed that he and Ashton wouldn’t be killing each other and went to interfere in yet another argument between Jackson and Raúl.

“I think you guys stress Jackson out too much,” I laughed as Ashton drove out of the palace grounds.

“He does get a chance to relax sometimes, but he never does,” he shrugged. “And you don’t have to act like what I told you earlier isn’t bothering you,” he added.

My laugh disappeared as his words reverberated around my mind. I sighed. That alone would have put a lot of pressure on Ashton even without the king trying to fry his brains.

“So let me get this straight. One, CaVaughn might get exiled from the kingdom. Two, CaVaughn stays in the kingdom, but mated to me while you get forced into an arranged marriage. Three, Brooke becomes the queen and possibly gets forced into an arranged marriage later, or four, you mark me.”
Ashton nodded stiffly.

“The fourth one I’ve at least head of. The first three are completely messed up. How can he kick his own son out of the kingdom?” I asked, bewildered.

“I don’t know if he would actually do it… but he is ruthless. There’s no telling what he’ll do when he thinks that somebody is no longer worth his time.”

“Okay, but for CaVaughn to be mated to me?” I asked incredulously. “Wouldn’t he need my permission for that to happen?”

“Technically, he would, but you have a lot of people you care about, don’t you? Your parents,  Melissa, Callie, Kevin… The king would use them as pawns to get to you to agree.”

“You didn’t include yourself in that list,” I frowned.

Ashton glanced at me and smirked. “You care about me?”

“I didn’t make you a broth because I felt like standing over a hot stove,” I laughed.

He smiled at that.

“Who would you be paired with though?”

“A princess of a kingdom with a status equal to ours or higher,” he snarled at the thought.

“And Brooke becoming the queen?”

“Completely out of the question. CaVaughn doesn’t want that either.”

I thought about CaVaughn. “He seems nice. Kinda quiet, but he loves you.”

“He thinks I hate him, but I don’t.”

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