Chapter 129

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Chapter 129 is dedicated to RoyalFae

Thank you for your support ❤

“It’s just horrible,” Callie groaned into the phone. I could almost see her rolling her eyes in that dramatic way of hers.

“I’m sure it’s not that bad, Cals. A lot of actors do it.”

“I mean, yeah, but I have a whole soulmate. I don’t want to do the kiss scenes and I’ve tried hinting it to the director, but he refuses to change the script. Can you believe it?”

“I can,” Melissa laughed into the phone.

“And you won’t believe what he told me. The director says I have to either wear a brown wig or dye my hair to match Mila’s. Like that’s totally unbelievable. My red hair is like my trademark,” she cried.

“You’ll look good in brown,” I mused.

“I’ll look good in anything but it still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to do it.”

“Look at the bright side. At least you get to act with Mila.” Melissa tried to cheer her up.

Callie sighed. “Mila isn’t as nice as I thought she was. She’s super rude and a total diva. I’ll still do my best in the movie though. I won’t let any of this get me down. Apart from that, everything else is really cool,” she giggled.

I smiled as we ended the call. I knew Callie would shine in this movie. Mila or no Mila, my bestie was a star. I considered going over to the palace. I’d already completed my morning study session already and it was almost twelve p.m.

Two weeks had passed since Armani’s death and Micah still wasn’t doing much better. He was severely depressed. He slept for most of the day and he only ate when it was absolutely necessary. His eyes were perpetually puffy and his skin was like bleached paper against his sharp jawline. He'd lost even more weight and I was really worried about him. Since the funeral, I hadn’t seen him smile.

He was almost emotionless except for the crying. He had nightmares where Armani blamed him for his death. When that happened, he woke up screaming in a cold sweat. Other than those he slept dreamlessly.

He was just living because he had to live, but he had no real desire to keep going. I tried to read to him from the law book, but the words seemed to pass through his ears. Esmeralda came around more often than she usually did. Since Micah no longer had Armani, she made it her duty to ensure that he was eating. The doctors came to see him alternately, but Micah wouldn’t allow any of them to come close.

Esmeralda had tried to cheer him up with stories of soulmates, but he just said he didn’t want a soulmate and that he couldn’t doom someone else in his life.

I really longed to see Micah smile again, but it might take a while.

While I was contemplating going over to him, my phone rang. The catchiness of the ringtone distracted me for a while as I sang along. Then, I remembered that I actually had to answer it.

Looking at the caller ID, I couldn't help the frown that crossed my face. What did Nicole want? Other than Kevin. Even after graduation she was still infatuated with the idea of getting Kevin. She was almost stalker level and it really creeped us out. Everyone at school knew her now as Ashton's psycho ex.

Against my better judgement, I decided to answer it. I mean, what if it was something genuinely important?

“What is it, Nicole?”

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