Famous - Connor Bedard (PART 1)

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Edited 01/31/2024

Recently, Mia has been called up to play with the Regina Pats as a backup as the other backup goalie, Kelton Pyne, has just been injured in a game against the Prince Albert Raiders. Of course, the girl was super excited. I mean, she was going to be the first female goalie to play on the Regina Pats.

Well, that's assuming she did play.

She's from Regina, so this was a super special moment for her. The Pats signed her to their team a few years ago, but she has since been playing for the Michigan Wolverines as their starting goalie at UMich.

But that's not the only exciting part. Mia gets to meet Connor fucking Bedard. She's watched all the World Juniors games, and he played extremely well. As well as everyone on the team. Suddenly, she was snapped back to reality as the plane hit the pavement below.

"Ladies and gentleman we have arrived in Regina. On behalf of our staff and crew, thank you for choosing WestJet."

The girl smiled as she saw the all to familiar town. The familiar landscape. The familiar airport. Everything.

Of course, Mia being Mia, would be staying in a hotel since she didn't want to intrude on any billets and the parents. She would just feel awkward, and feel like she's intruding.

Mia got an Uber to her hotel and messaged my parents that she made it. Would they even notice? Probably to high or drunk. 

Anyways, Mia put her street clothing into the drawers and went to the arena. The arena was across the street so she didn't bother getting an Uber.

The first game was tonight. Obviously she wasn't playing tonight, so they didn't bother bringing her in until closer to the time she had to be at the arena. Once she got there, she saw none other than Tanner Howe waiting by the doors to bring me to the locker room.

The girl was beyond excited. She's been a Pats fan her whole life. Her dad always told her that she's never make it here, that she was a shit goalie.

'Well what do you think now, asshole?'  

Mia was snapped back to reality, once again, when she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

They both looked at each other, apologizing. Holy shit.

Connor Bedard.

"Holy shit! You're Connor Bedard!" The girl exclaimed happily. He smiled, chuckling lightly. 

"Yes ma'am. Mia, right?" He questioned. She nodded. 

"That's me! Sorry for being so forward. I'm from Regina and I've been a Pats fan my whole life." Connor nodded in understanding.

"Well, we should get to the locker room. Gotta make history, eh?" He joked. This time it was her turn to chuckle.

Beginning of the third period

Everyone in the stands gasped. Gabe Ludwig had been tripped and he slid into Sim's leg. He had help getting off the ice, and coach looked at Mia, nodding. With a deep breath, she put on her helmet and skated towards the crease.

She started warming up, her breathing slightly heavy. Looking up when she heard someone stop in front of her, she made eye contact with Connor.

"I know you're probably stressed. Hell, I was too on my WHL debut. But don't overthink it, yeah? You got this." Some of the best advice she's ever heard, came from Connor right now. 

"Thank. I needed that." The girl thanked him, grinning. He smiled and nodded, hitting her yellow and blue pad with his stick before skating off to the faceoff circle.

End of the game

They won. They actually won the game. 

Mia didn't let in a single goal and she made 20 saves, since our defense forgot their position. The boys all jumped off the bench and practically brought her down to the ground.

All of them were laughing and celebrating. Connor came over last, and gave her a massive bear hug as a celebration.

Now keep in mind. Connor is 5'10, and she's 5'6. Yes, she is short for a goalie. 

But he was towering over her. They both pulled away and smiled. He put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her off of the ice so that the stars could be announced.

Third star, from the Prince Albert Raiders, Carter Anderson.

Second star, from your Regina Pats, Connor Bedard.

And your first star, from the Regina Pats, Mia Jones.

With a massive grin and helmet discarded, Mia skated onto the ice, knowing that she had proved the people who didn't think a girl could be a goalie in this league wrong.

Once she was off, the locker room was crazy. All of them were hyped about the win. When she was walking down the short tunnel to get to the locker room, Connor grabbed her arm gently, turning her around.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go and get dinner?" He asked. She smiled, replying with an okay.

This was the beginning of a solid friendship.


Part 2 will be made soon.

WC: 806

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