Not What I Thought - Mortiz Seider (PART 2)

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Edited 02/19/2024

Why is it always him?

Moritz just caught Amelia talking to Brooke, his ex, about how the "plan with Moritz" was working. He broke off their engagement and left as fast as he could. After packing up as much of his stuff as possible, he left to live with his teammate and captain, Dylan Larkin. 

"She's just not what I thought she was." Moritz sighed while talking to his captain about what happened. "I mean, I never saw her with Brooke while me and Brooke were dating. And I saw a lot of her friends." He emphasized, laying back on the couch.

"They aren't all winners, Moritz. You're only 21! Give it time. Live a little!" Dylan exclaimed. Moritz knew he was right.

"Ich hasse es, wenn du Recht hast." He mumbled in German.

"Please repeat that in English." His captain laughed.

"Oh you don't want to know. You'll chirp me forever." The two men laughed at the statement.

Next day

Ugh! The plan didn't work. Amelia fucked it all up. Brooke was beyond pissed to say the very least.

"Amelia how did you manage to fuck it up! I- we were so CLOSE!" Brooke shouted at her.

"I- I'm sorry Brooke. But I-" Amelia began before getting cutting off.

"Save it." Brooke interrupted. "Get out of my sight." She spat, pointing towards the door and walking away.

Moritz and Dylan are currently driving to our practice arena. Tomorrow they have a game against the Anaheim Ducks in Detroit, then they have a family skate afterwards. Dylan convinced Moritz that Brooke and Amelia were in the wrong. 

Saying that, he's gotten over Brooke. He's gotten over Amelia. He's also learnt that he doesn't need a girl to live, he just needs his friends and things he enjoys, like hockey and Starbucks. Life couldn't be better.


VERY short one but I wanted to make a part 2 since I ended it off on a cliffhanger.

WC: 314

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