Goalie Hugs - Thomas Milic

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I had been having a rough week with school and my family. My family have never accepted me, I was adopted, for who I am and the fact that I'm dating a hockey player. So I was basically disowned once more. 

For school, I've been drowning in a pile of homework. My teachers are trying to get everything done this week that needs to get done for the first week of school as fast as they possibly can. I haven't talked to anyone since I've been sitting in my room, on my bed surrounded by paperwork and three day old coffee.

Thomas decided to come over though to try and snap my brain out of school mode for even just an hour. He knocked on the door and I opened it, surprised to see him there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I walked back over to the couch, continuing my work. 

"I'm here to snap you out of whatever this is." He responded while circling his hands around the area I was sitting in.

"I just-" My voice cracked. "My teachers don't care about our well beings. My parents hate me and disowned me again. I don't know how much longer I can do this, Thomas. It's so stressful and overwhelming and-" I couldn't speak anymore as tears started falling down my face at a rapid pace and my breathing became uneven.

"Oh baby." He sighed as he wrapped me in an unfamous goalie hug. I fell into him as I cried and gasped for air, the stress of the week finally getting to me. 

After about an hour we were just sitting on the couch, me wrapped in his arms as I sought comfort. His hands rubbed up and down my arms. I curled further into him as my eyes shut closed. 

"Tired?" He whispered. I nodded in response as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. 

He chuckled and picked me up, placing me on my bed as I fell asleep. All homework forgotten.


See, people shit on goalies for some reason, but they're fr the sweetest people I've ever met. As I've probably mentioned, my brother's a goalie so I've met a lot of goalies in my life and I've never met a mean one. 

Their hugs are top notch bro. Fr so comforting and that's what inspired this because I started school today (and already stressed) and I miss my brother so..

WC: 406 

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