A Hero - Ty Hurley

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You just never know what situations you may come across

Those words echoed in Presley's head. Her boyfriend, Ty Hurley, had saved a man's life just a few days ago. He's still on the road now in Saskatchewan, but she can't wait until he's back now. Until then she's resorted to calling him.

"DUDE! YOU DIDN'T MENTION IT?!" Presley exclaimed after Ty answered his phone.

"Well, I knew it would come out eventually I guess? But I didn't want to make a big deal of it, I did what anyone would do." Ty replied sheepishly.

"But it is a big deal! Not in this generation, at least, would anyone have helped that man. " She explained. He sighed but nodded. "When do you get back?" She asked him.

"Uh..hold on let me check." It went silent for a moment as he pulled up the schedule on his phone. "Sometime after our game on the 16th." He told her cautiously.

"That's like, a week away!" Presley groaned. Ty laughed. "Shut up. At least you have something to do. My profs won't give us anything." She said. 

The two continued talking until one of Ty's teammates walked in and told him that they needed to leave for their game in Moose Jaw. He sighed and nodded, turning toward his phone. 

"I gotta go, love. I'll talk to you after though, alright?" He promised her. She nodded and they both hung up.

Post Game

The Rockets beat the Warriors a whopping 2-1. So, as you can see, not a very high scoring game. Although a win is a win. Presley answered her phone as soon as Ty's name popped up.

"The hero won!" She joked.

"Please, I didn't do anything." He replied with a light blush across his face. The girl shook her head.

The two joked around for a while longer before Ty glanced at the time. His eyes widened when he saw it was midnight already. He and the team were on the bus heading to Brandon for their game tomorrow night at Westoba.

"Shit, I gotta go. It's midnight already." Ty whispered since most of his team around him was asleep.

"Alright. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Presley smiled. "Love youuu." She dragged. 

Ty chuckled silently. "Love you too, bubs." He replied, knowing the nickname made her cringe.

She gagged. "TYLER HU-" He hung up before she could continue. He laughed and laid his head on the window beside him, falling into a deep sleep with the thought in the back of his mind on what Presley said.

A hero.



WC: 425

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