See You Soon - Cyprus Smith-Davis

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Y'all know the drill. I don't know shit about his billets blah blah so all this is made up blah

Cyprus just got back to his billet house after a rough game. The team isn't doing very well, and to add to that, he got ejected for a fight he didn't even participate in. So to say he was pissed was an understatement. His billets are on vacation at the moment, so that made it easy for him not to hide his feelings around his little billet siblings.

As soon as he walked in the door, he took his shoes off, changed into sweats and FaceTimed his best friend from back in Victoria. They had been friends for almost ten years, since she moved from Dallas, TX to Victoria. Fun fact: her parents are so uncreative that her name is literally Dallas. She's always been around after a rough game, and this one he knew he needed her reassurance.

"Hey, Cy!" Dallas said in as cheery of a voice she could muster.

"Hey, Dally." Cyprus replied. They're both fans of The Outsiders, so naturally he nicknamed her Dally.

"I'm sorry about your game. That was a stupid misconduct. Those stupid ass referees and linesmen don't understand what they're talking about." The Texan grumbled, her accent really showing.

Cyprus laughed. "You sound so Texan right now it's crazy." He told her. She only gave him a confused look. "Your accent is so prominent when you're mad."

All she did was roll her eyes before changing the subject. "I miss you, man." The girl sighed.

"I miss you too, rodeo. But before you know it I'll be back and driving around the south with you to watch you buck bulls." This got a laugh out of the two of them, remembering the summers they spent driving around southern Alberta to get Dallas to her many rodeos.

"Anyway. How's your time in GP other than the fact they're absolute ass?" Cyprus glared at Dallas after she called his team ass, but continued on anyway answering the question.

"The team is really nice. All of them were super welcoming to me and the other new guys." He said with a smile.

"That's good." She grinned. "But not as good as Victoria." He laughed loudly at her bias attitude towards his old team.

"Sure." The girl gave him an offended look.

"Okay. Then I'm cheering for Whitecourt." At the news, his face dropped.

"Dallas.." Cyprus narrowed his eyes.

"Cyprus.." Dallas mocked him.

The two continued joking around with one another, Dallas adding in multiple remarks on how she'll start cheering for Grande Prairie's rival team, the Whitecourt Wolverines, and receiving many comebacks. This is what she missed. Being able to talk with her best friend and joke around with him about anything and everything.

Soon. She thought. But soon can't come fast enough.



Also my brother got pulled today in the second period of his game lol


WC: 500

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