Famous - Connor Bedard (PART 2)

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Edited 01/31/2024

It has officially been two months since Mia joined the Regina Pats as they're goalie whilst the other two are out injured, and the trade deadlines were coming up real soon. Before anyone says anything, Sim mentioned he wouldn't be back for the rest of the season, so she was given a permanent spot. As expected, she was extremely nervous, because most of her friends are here in Regina. One problem.

Mia's pretty sure she loves Connor.

The two hockey players are practically inseparable now, and on top of that, she lives with his billet family. Today, they decided to go to the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Why? Well, because they're bored out of their god damn minds. I mean, it is Regina.

Neither of them wanted to play board games, and, for the first time in forever, they didn't have practice, so they went onto TripAdvisor and looked at things to do. So here they are, driving towards the center, talking amongst themselves.

"You're telling me, you haven't had a boyfriend since you were 14?" Connor laughed. Mia also started laughing, giving up her entire annoyed demeanor. 

"Shut up!" That was all she could come up with in response. So, she turned up 'Fake ID' as it played on the radio and they started singing along. Song above.

Almost as soon as the song began, it ended and they were in the parking lot of the centre. Right when they were getting out, Mia got a message from coach. As soon as she read the first sentence of the message, she knew what would happen, and she was shocked. Connor must have noticed, because he turned to look at her.

"What happened? What's wrong?" He quickly asked. All she did was hand him her phone, unable to answer.


Mia. I'm sorry we did this, but you have been traded to the Calgary Hitmen for Ethan Buenaventura. On behalf of the staff and team, we thank you for your time.

"Holy Shit." Connor whispered. They both stood there, silence taking over. In their short time together, they had grown to be close. If only he knew how she felt.

"I'm leaving tomorrow..I better pack." Mia said. Her voice wavered slightly, tears in my eyes.

"I guess so.."

Next day, Regina International Airport

Connor drove Mia to the airport the next day. She checked her bags before she turned to him. The two of them knew this would likely be the last time they saw each other, other than games. Even then, they wouldn't talk to each other really. They were both so busy all the time, so when could they text?

"I guess this is goodbye." Mia muttered. "Until next time, Connor Bedard."

"Until next time, Mia Scott." Connor replied sadly, a half smile being placed on his face. 

Connor pulled Mia into a bone crushing hug and the two of them both let a few tears fall. They stood there for about 5 minutes before she had to go. When they let go she walked away, tears pricking roughly at her eyes. Her hands rubbed her eyes roughly as her tears fell uncontrollably. Damn you, Connor Bedard.

Hitmen vs Pats

It had been a month and Mia hasn't talked to Connor at all since she left. Maybe he forgot about her.

But, she decided to let him go and focus on hockey. In that time, she became the top goalie in the league and the starting goalie for the Hitmen. As of now, she hasn't lost a single game with the Hitmen and right now they were just below the Winnipeg Ice.

Today, they play the Pats. They're currently on the ice for warm ups and Mia has talked to a few old friends while stretching. However, so far she hasn't seen Connor. He's here and she knows it because the 'Dome is filled to the brim.

Mia got into the net and started blocking the shots. Only one that Fiddler-Schultz shot went in. The buzzer went which indicated the end of warm up.

All of them went back to the locker room where they were given a pep talk and told the starting line up. As expected, Mia was in net.

The Hitmen skated onto the ice as the announcer yelled their team name and the 'Dome was yelling loud when Mia's name was called. She's basically their hero at this point. The anthem played and then the game began.

Mid way through the second

The score is currently 2-0 Hitmen and Mia has gotten about 20 shots. Insane for the second period. Connor hasn't shot on her yet, except for now.

The pats were coming down the ice and Bedard was front and center, going for his signature toe drag release, but she saved it. He's easy to read, and that's what Mia enjoys when playing hockey. 

He didn't lock eyes with her, just skating off for a line switch which made the goalie roll her eyes.

1:00 left in the third

The score was 5-0 hitmen and the time was counting down. Mia's shots are now up to 38. The Pats pulled their goalie and since the Hitmen had a penalty, it was 6 on 4. Somehow, Mia got ahold of the puck and she shot it across the ice.


Holy shit. Mia scored. She got the fucking puck into the net. There was 25 seconds left and she made it 6-0. The players who were on the ice went and celebrated with her, all of them yelling. The final 25 seconds went by and they won. Mia was so happy to win against her old team and to show them what they lost.

After the game

Mia did a short interview and changed. She left with Fiddler-Schultz since they live together. The two were joking with each other as they walked when Mia heard her name behind them.

She turned around to see the one and only Connor Bedard yelling after her. Turning to look at Riley, she told him she'd be at the car in a second. He nodded and left.

When Mia turned back to Connor, before she could say anything, his lips were on hers. She wasted no time to kiss him back. It was soft, but there were feelings evidently there. When they separated, he put his forehead on hers. They both smiled.

"I've been waiting to do that forever." Connor said, breathing heavily.

"I've been waiting for you to do that." Mia replied, smirking.

"I'm sorry for not texting you. I've been so busy, and then I was scared that you wouldn't answer or that you would think I was being to clingy. I should have, right? Yes. I should ha-" She cut him off from his rambling with a laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're clueless." She said, still laughing.

"Well. I have a very serious question for you." The goalie looked up at him with an eyebrow up. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"No." She said. He looked down at her, confused. Then he started laughing, figuring she was joking. "How in the hell do you always know when I'm joking?" She whined.

"You're a bad liar." He simply replied.

Mia shook her head at him with a smile. She then looked up at her now boyfriend.

"I guess we're both famous now, huh?"


WC: 1189

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