No More Tooth - Jack Hughes

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In honor of Jack officially becoming a pro hockey player HAHA

I was at the game and watched Jack get hit with a puck. I gasped before watching him get up without any blood but he was missing something.

"Oh. My. God." One of the WAGs said. "Where's Jack's tooth?" We all looked at each other before all bursting out in laughter.

I looked up to see Jack looking at me. He smiled like a kid and pointed to his tooth, looking all giddy. I copied and showed off my tooth, to which he pouted at me before his line went on. 

*After the game*

I was scrolling through Bardown's Instagram comments on a post about Jack's tooth and laughed at all the puck bunnies comments.

"He should get it fixed"
"I miss that perfect smile"

I was scrolling and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see the one and only Jack Hughes. I brought his top lip up and looked at his non-existent tooth while he laughed. 

"It's gone." I said sarcastically, my eyes widened. Jack smacked my head lightly. "Have you seen the puck bunnies yet?"

"No why? What are they saying?" The brunette asked, pulling out his phone. I showed him the comments and all he did was laugh. "Holy shit." He said between laughs.

We walked out to his car while talking about the game. Jack suddenly stopped and turned to me.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Look!" Jack said with his eyes widened. He pulled out a small baggy with what looked like a tooth inside. "I kept it!"

"Oh my God!" I said, laughing hard. "You actually kept it?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I did! I've already gotten calls from Quinn and Trev asking about it." Jack replied.

"Well have you seen Luke's interview?"

"No, why?"

"One of the interviewers asked what if he thought you were more of a hockey player now that you've lost a tooth. Luke was definitely holding something back." 

As soon as we were in the car and Jack had his phone connected to car play, he dialed Luke's number and called him. While the phone was ringing, we pulled out of the parking lot while Jack made me protect his "trophy tooth."

"What do you want, Rowdy?" Luke asked through the phone.

"Shut up. Also, what were you holding back in that interview?" Jack asked him while I scrolled through more comments, chuckling at a few.

"Ohh that." The younger brother replied, thinking for a second. "Oh yeah! I almost said that you look like a bit of a doofus. But it's a good thing. That way you know you're a hockey player."

"Oh ha ha. Thank you." The older brunette said sarcastically.

"Love you bro."

"Love you too." Jack hung up and pouted at me when we were at a light. "Do I look like a doofus?"

"Of course you don't love. You're still my pretty boy." I kissed his lips and his beautiful smile came back.


Jack went to bed before I did since he was exhausted, and I was up planning something. Jack has always been a child at heart, loving everything from parks to holidays to occasions like losing a tooth.

He told me a story a few years ago about how Ellen, his mom, would take his tooth and put it in a container or something after the tooth fairy put money under his pillow. He didn't know until he was older obviously, but he loved it. 

So me being me, I put money under his pillow and put his tooth in a tiny container and put it on his night stand with a note. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

*Next morning.*

*Jack's POV*

This morning I woke up to Carla gone. I smelt something in the kitchen and heard music, telling me she was cooking. I reached over to grab my phone and felt a container sitting on my nightstand. 

I sat up and looked in the container to see my tooth that I had lost in the game last night. Confused, I read the note.


I remember you telling me a story about your childhood. You told me that when you lost a tooth, your mom would put it in a container or something and keep it for when you got over. She hid the money under your pillow anyways and you told me how happy that made you. So, I recreated that. Check under your pillow ❤️



I smiled when I finished reading and checked under my pillow to see money there. I laughed quietly before sneaking out of the room to the kitchen. I silently walked in and wrapped my arms around my girlfriends waist.

"Hi." I whispered in her hair and kissing the top of her head. 

"Hi." She whispered back, spinning around and kissing me. It's now or never, Jack.

"I have a very important question to ask you." I said. Carla asked me what it was before I dropped down onto one knee, pulling out a ring. Her hands flew to her mouth. "I've had this ring for months. When I first met you, I knew you were the one. I had just gotten drafted first round and I was insanely nervous. I didn't show it on camera but I almost couldn't take it. You were sitting in the small diner, overworking yourself in homework with high school. My geeky self came over and asked if I could sit with you. We got into conversation and eventually, I asked you out. I went home and immediately told Quinn that I had met the love of my life. Fun fact: he actually helped me with our first date. Even after my rookie season where I almost quit multiple times, you stood by me the entire time. I can't do anything to thank you enough for everything. You know me better than anyone else. Even today, that brought back memories and I'm so happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I couldn't see anyone else. So, will you marry me?"

"I- yes!" Carla said with tears in her eyes. I put the ring on her finger, stood up, and kissed her. After a few seconds we pulled away and Carla started laughing.

"What?" I questioned.

"That's so weird. Kissing you without the tooth." She laughed.

"No more tooth." I said, smiling like a dumbass.

"No more tooth." She replied, kissing me. 


The puck bunnies are insane right now it's hilarious.

WC: 1062

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