Miracle - Jack O'Callahan

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Yes, I'm using the actor. Y'all I honestly can't believe he died. Like how'd I not know?

This gif makes me so happy dude

5 seconds.

The score is 4-3 for team USA. Playing Soviet Union, the undefeated team. The best team in the world.

4 seconds.

Everyone's on the edge of their seats. Players are standing up from both benches, one team smiling and yelling in joy, one team shouting in desperation.

3 seconds.

I stand up, my American flag being waved around in my hand. I jump up and down in my spot as the Soviet coach starts yelling.

2 seconds.

The USA team is sitting on the boards, skates not touching as to not get a too many men on ice penalty. They're ready to jump off and congratulate their team members.

1 second.

Team USA is throwing their gloves and helmets on the ice as they timer reaches one last second.


The team jumps off the boards and skates out, throwing their helmets and gloves somewhere on the ice. They jump on one another while shouting in joy. Off to the gold medal game they go.

*Post game*

I'm now standing outside of the locker rooms, waiting for the players to come out. The door opened and a few guys came out of the room as yells of joy and voices busy in conversation filled the air around. Jack's head turned in my direction and his eyes lit up. I pictured this slow mo so yk..hehe. He turned to his teammates to excuse himself and chirps followed him away as he ran over to me.

"You made it!" He grinned while pulling me into a hug full of happiness and love. Ew wtf why'd I say that? 

"Of course I did!" I mirrored his grin. "You did so well, OC." My voice went high as I pinched his cheeks jokingly. He glared playfully and smacked my hands.

"You ain't allowed to call me OC, baby. That's my team nickname." He laughed. It was my turn to glare at him as I leaned into his chest, his arms wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me tightly into him. "I missed you." He sighed.

"I missed you too." I smiled.

Today really was a miracle as the team went on to win the gold medal 2 days later against Finland


No matter how many times I watch this movie I will in fact cry. I also found the entire og game y'all.

If you wanna watch it ↑

Anywhore, I'm probs gonna go on a Miracle run but idk yet.

WC: 413

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