Round One - Mitch Marner

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Edited 02/16/2024

Round one of the playoffs is almost over and the Leafs are playing the Tampa Bay Lightning once again. Sheldon Keefe has been working the team harder than usual in hopes of getting passed the first round. 

As everyone knows, the last time the Leafs made it past the first round was 2004. The last time they won a cup, however, was 1967. Thus creating the playoffs curse, AKA not being able to pass the first round.

Mitch has been coming home stressed out of his mind over the playoffs and has been putting the weight on his shoulders. Not to mention he's been dumping all his stress all over his girlfriend, Isla, and his poor dog. Tomorrow is game 7. The team has been practicing for three straight hours to perfect skills. Isla and the other WAGs were sitting in the stands, looking at their poor tired and overworked boyfriends/fiancées/husbands.

"This is such bullshit!" Auston's girlfriend said. "Why the hell are they still going? It's been three fucking hours!"

"Honestly." Isla agreed, rolling her eyes and groaning.

"The poor boys are so tired and overworked. Plus, they have a game tomorrow!" She added. "They should be saving energy and strength for that."

Finally, after another thirty minutes of the WAGs shit talking about the Sheldon, the boys were sent off to the locker room. Mitch looked mad at something but Isla couldn't quite tell what. The boys immediately came out after ten minutes looking ready for a nap.

"Hey babe." Isla said gently while walking towards a stressed and tired Mitch. He sighed and hugged her close, digging his head into her neck. "Lets go home, yeah?"

Mitch nodded and let go of his girlfriend. He handed her his car keys and they left to the apartment.

Morning before game seven

It's the next morning and Isla was making breakfast for she and Mitch. She heard light steps down the hallway and looked over to see none other then Zeus. Zeus woke up early apparently, so she didn't have his food out.

"Hey boy. Good morning." She whispered softly to the dog. He panted and licked my face a bit. She chuckled quietly before getting his food and water into the bowls. She heard louder footsteps and watched a tired Mitch walk into the kitchen. "Morning."

Mitch didn't say anything. He grabbed his plate of food and walked towards the living room, turning on the highlights of his last game. Isla turned around to look at him with a confused and kind of offended look on her face. "Hello?" She repeated. He mumbled something in response.

"Hi." Mitch mumbled. Isla groaned and walked over to him, standing between him and the TV. "Hey! I'm watching highlights!" 

"A good morning might be nice!" She exclaimed. "There are two people living here! Plus a dog, which you also failed to acknowledge!" 

"Do you even know when I'm feeling right now? It's like you don't even care! Instead you're nagging on and on about you and your problems! I've been here for you, over and over again, and when it's my turn. What do you do? You make it all. About. You. I'm depended on by my team! BY THE FANS!" Mitch yelled so loud even Zeus jumped. "You don't fucking care. Not one fucking bit, at all. I'm over here, stressed out, and you do-" 

"Even care? I don't care? If I didn't care, why am I here? You know what? That's what I'll do. LEAVE." Isla snapped back. She was done with his bullshit. The brunette looked up, shocked. She doesn't think he even realized what he said until then. "Don't follow me."

Just like that, Isla was in her car and driving off with the dog. Zeus followed her out for the record, she didn't just take him. She called her sister and she said that Isla could go and stay with her for a bit.

Meanwhile, with Mitch, he was realizing how much of a fucking idiot he was.

What the hell was he thinking? He had been so stressed and he finally snapped and took it out on Isla. She didn't deserve that. Now she's gone and she probably won't come back. Hell, he even startled Zeus so much that he left.

"FUCK!" Mitch yelled, throwing a pillow across the room. He collapsed onto the couch, putting his head into his hands and cried. He has a game soon, too. Shit.

Game, warm ups

Mitch is not in the right mindset for the game, but they can't lose. If they lose, then they prove all of those fans right when they said that they can't do this. The teams went out onto the ice for warm ups and Mitch interacted with a few fans, trying to put the morning's events behind him for the next couple hours. 

He looked into the stands to see a pair of familiar eyes looking right back at him. Isla and her sister were both there at the game, sitting in the front row. He skated up to her and pointed towards the tunnel, signaling for her to meet him there. She hesitantly nodded. Mitch smiled slightly and went back to warming up.

Outside locker room

Mitch walked over and waited for Isla to walk out and meet him. He was leaning against the wall, heart pounding in his chest, with his back towards where she should come out. Only when he felt a finger tap his shoulder did he finally turn around. He instantly wrapped his arms around Isla.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Mitch whispered into her neck, tears threatening to spill. "I was such an idiot. I've just been so stressed an-"

"It's okay." Isla said. "I forgive you." He smiled and heard his name being called.

"Mitch! We're about to go onto the ice!" Auston said. Mitch nodded.

After game

Author's POV

The Leafs won. They made it. I watched Isla and Mitch hug each other after the game and leave together. I felt so betrayed knowing that I wouldn't have my imaginary best friend, Isla, anymore since she's with him.

So here I am, sitting on the couch and watching 'Modern Family,' writing this. Writing brings me out of my thoughts since most have me zoning out for hours. I smiled while watching the two interact.

Third-Person POV

Mitch and Isla were curled up on the couch and watching 'Top Gun' to celebrate the win. The couple ordered a pizza, ate ice cream, and played with Zeus. Speaking of Zeus, he's spread out across their laps, sleeping the night away. 

"I'm sorry." Mitch mumbled yet again this night. Isla hit him on the back of his head. Hard. "Ow! What the fu-"

"Don't swear in front of the child," She scolded, pointing at Zeus. He rolled his eyes. "and stop apologizing."

"But-" Mitch started.

"No buts." Isla cut in, giving him a stern look.

Mitch sighed. "I love you." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"I love you too." Isla replied, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before they both let sleep take over.


Requested by Gv_oooooo

Edit: I spelt so many things wrong it's embarrassing 

WC: 1166

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