One Last Time - Nolan Moyle

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Third-Person POV

Nolan graduated University.

Which means one thing. His time with the Wolverines is at an end.

Over his years with the team they'd become a little family, people they could fall on if it all went to hell. Like girlfriends cheating, families betraying, it has all happened one way or another. 

Nolan isn't ready to let that feeling go.

That feeling of security. That feeling of having people to support him wherever he goes. He's been cheated on, he went to his teammates and they helped him out.

Then he met Willow.

She's beautiful, smart, loyal..and she's been there through everything. 

Willow and Nolan met when they were kids. They've been best friends all the way through school up until last year when he found the courage to ask her out. They both recently graduated and now he's sitting in the locker room, not ready to say goodbye.

Willow's POV

I've been looking around for Nolan, asking his old teammates, nothing. No one knows where he went. So I went to the one last place that I can't believe I didn't check earlier. 

"Nolan!" I shouted through the arena. I heard skates on the ice so I walked into the locker room and put on a spare pair of skates that fit me.

When I walked out, I saw the familiar yellow jersey fly across the ice. I stepped onto the ice and snuck up behind the hockey player. I covered his eyes and whispered in his ear "guess who." He turned around with a scared look.

"Jesus, Low. Don't do that." He placed a hand on his heart to stop it from racing. I held my hands up in an 'I'm innocent' way. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him softly. Nolan sighed and looked to his skates as he shuffled back and forth. 

"I-" He stuttered. "I'm not ready to say goodbye." He admitted. "This place has been my home for years. My family for years and-" His voice cracked as a tear slid down his cheek.

My hand made it's way to his face and my thumb brushed the tears away. "You don't need to be ready. I know it's hard, of course it will be. But this place will always be a home for you and the people you've met will always have your back." I whispered to him. He nodded.

He looked around the arena one last time. His stick found a stray puck and he shot it down the ice into the net one last time. 

He skated of the ice one last time. 


Ngl this was kinda sad to write

WC: 429

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