Traded - Connor Bedard (PART 4)

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1 MORE PART AFTER THIS IN THE MINI SERIES AND THEN I WON'T BE WRITING FOR BEDARD IN A WHILE! Unless he's drafted to another team and Chicago takes Adam Fantilli.

It's reaching the December trade deadlines, and I've been getting the feeling that I'll be gone. Speaking of, I just got a text on my phone from the GM and I've been scared to read it. I pulled out my laptop and facetimed Connor.

"Hey! What's up?" He asked me as he answered. 

"So you know how trade deadlines are coming up?" I asked him nervously. He nodded confused. "Well, my GM texted me.." I trailed off.

"Oh shit. What'd he say?" Connor asked while walking into his apartment.

"That's the thing." I paused for a moment. "I haven't checked. I'm to nervous."

"Well, I'm here now. Read it out loud to both of us." He suggested. I nodded and pulled out my phone, taking a deep breath. 

"Mia, we regret to inform you that you've been traded..thank you for your time. We hope to see you thrive in-" I cut myself off. A smile formed on my face.

"Well? Where are you going?" Connor asked eagerly.

"..Chicago." A smile went onto Connor's face. "We'll finally be together again, Con." I whispered.

"I'll pick you up from the airport tomorrow. What time does your flight get in?" He asked me.

"9:30am Chicago time. That's early." I said the last part to myself.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at 9:30."


I got off the plane after landing in Chicago, my nerves to the roof. I haven't seen Connor since our last game in Anaheim against them. As soon as I got off the plane, I went to the bag area. I walked over looking down at my phone. A pair of hands covered my eyes and I tensed.

"Guess who?" An all to familiar voice whispered in my ear. I smiled and turned around to hug Connor, who hugged me back. "I missed you so much." He said. I pulled away and kissed him.

"I missed you too." I mumbled against his lips. "One question though."

"Shoot." He said. "Not literally. I know we're in the US, but please don't." He joked. I laughed.

"Can I stay with you? Pleaseee" I begged him, to which he laughed.

"I thought you already were." 


"Boys, and girl, come and gather!" Coach yelled. I skated up with Connor and we both stood in the back. "Boys, this is our new addition. Mia Scott from the Anaheim Ducks." The boys all cheered and smacked their sticks on the ice while Connor wrapped me in a side hug, slightly shaking me.

We all started drills, me being partnered with the one and only Connor Bedard. We were playfully mocking each other while passing and booing each other when we missed a shot. After practice, the two of us went back to his apartment.

"You know.." I started. Connor side eyed me while driving before looking back at the road. "We should get a dog."

"A dog?" He questioned.

"Yeah! It could be like a trial kid." We've been talking about having a kid one day for a little bit. "That way we're prepared!" 

"Honey, I love you, but we're never home. How will we take care of it?" Connor asked me. 

"Well, I'm there a lot. I can take care of it!" I gave him puppy dog eyes and stuck out my bottom lip. He sighs.

"Fine." Connor caved. I did a mini celebration. He drove to the pet store and I ran inside with him trailing behind. 

As I walked, well ran, over to the dog section, Connor was telling me to slow down. I didn't listen and immediately locked eyes with a beautiful 5 month old Australian Shepheard. By the time I had come back to reality, Connor was once again beside me.

"What'd you spot?" He asked me. I pointed towards the puppy. "Let's get it!" He said.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah! It's beautiful." He replied. We got the dog and went over care and stuff.

When we got home, we let the dog go and I set up the bed and stuff. 

"What should we name him?" I asked Connor. 

 "What about Snickers?" He said.

"I love it. Snickers." I repeated. Connor wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.



WC: 710

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