Chapter 5

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You suddenly got pulled intoa empty classroom .
And Ofc It was NIKI.
" What do you want now?" You said acting annoyed to hide your nervousness
cause he was your CRUSH
"Have you heard of the party that Hwang Yeji is throwing tomorrow ?" Niki asked
[i know you were expecting something else 😈 ]
"Duhh" You rolled your eyes
"Well i want you to be my date for the party" He said making you almost choke on air
"Being the date of your crush for a night, OH MY~ what a dream' you thought
"hmm, ill think about it" You said leaving the classroom before he could say anything else.
~ Time skip ~~lunch time ~
"YN, OVER HERE!" Yeji waved her hand to get your attention
You walked towards the group.
"Bish where did you go yesterday after school? You just disappeared in thin air" Yeji joked
" I started driving my car again because the bus is just a NO for me" You said
"Wait since when do you drive an car ?" Heeseung asked while eating is ramen .
"Since I turned 16 ?" You said confused about the question
"Self made rich girl i see" Ryunjin said
" i lived here in korea before i moved back to japan but than I moved back here for some reason "You shrugged
"Girl how rich even are you " Chae asked
"Well , my sister is a celebrity herself , my brother aswell , my parents own a company and i myself am an idol under HYBE " You shrugged again
"Wait you are a idol ???" Jungwon stopped eating and asked
"Haven't i mention it before ?" You became confused again.
"As far as i can remember, No you havent" Heeseung replied from next to you .
"Well now you know i am one " You smiled
"You do know that all the boys in this group are from hybe aswell?" Ryunjin asked making you stop doing what you are doing .
"Wait you for real right now ? am i the only one girl from hybe in this group"You asked not believing them.
"Unfortunately yes " Chae replied to your question .
"How are you even in contact with your siblings? Like they are busy for sure" Sunghoon asked while eating his lunch
"Actually i am not even in touch with my brother and my sister i havent heard
from her in 2 weeks" You replied
"dang thats long" Sunoo said
"If only she wasnt so popular , i could see her more often" You rolled your eyes
"Meanwhile here am I with my sister whom we dont even see eachother hahahahah"Chae laughed while saying it
~ time skip ~ basketball
The boys were playing basketball and you were cheering for sunghoon even tho you
used to cheer for NIKI only.
"GO HOON!" You cheered and continued cheering for him meanwhile Niki looked
pissed for some reason.
The game soon came to an end and you went towards sunghọon to congrats him for
playing really good.
And next you knew it was dance class
"Alright ! Get to your pairs from yesterday and practice for the competition" Your dance teacher said as everyone went to their partners and ofc yn was with niki as always like the
teacher wanted and he still looked pissed.
"Why does he look so pissed today, did i do something wrong or what' You thought to
your yourself as you started to practice [ everyone went to seprate dance studio to
practice ofc ]
And for a fact you two were the first one to learn the fastest but you still practied the
dance over and over because you had nothing to do later either .
~ The next day ~
It was the weekend so you slept longer but eventually woke up to go shopping with Yeji
You went to almost every shop in the mall buying thousands of stuff spending money
like it grew on a tree.
And finally you started to look for a dress to wear at the party.
~ To be continued

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