Part 14 1/2

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It's been a few months already , time flew away by really fast well Atleast your life has been even happier now that you are in a lovely and healthy relationship with Niki.
He cares about you a lot, he sends a selca of himself in the morning to you everyday , every night he sends you a good night message.
He takes you on dates like coffee date , to the arcade , to the amusement park even a night walk and a dance practice with him and you just like couple dances , he was romantic , caring , funny , loving .
He had everything you would wish in a man , he was a sweet person , you never thought from bumping into a random student walking in the hallway would be the love of your life.
[ Present ]
You were getting ready to go to the company since it was weekend already , being an idol was sometimes tough but you pushed through all these months and years.
No matter how tough and hard it would get day by day you still pushed through it , it had been your dream since your childhood and after the level you have reached now , you already achieved your dreams so you won't give up so easily even though you already lived your dream for a time being.
It's what you wanted be for as long as possible.
You decided to take the bus to the company instead , well technically not at the company but near at the company because you were not in the mood to drive.
After all you will be arriving at the company one or another.
You went inside the company from the backside so that no one will spot you going inside as an kpop idol or something because no such idol would do anything to make it obvious that they are an idol.
"Good morning Yn ! CEO Bang Si-hyuk wants to see you in his office , the rest of your members are already there" one of the staff greeted you along with saying what you had to do first.
"Morning ! Thank you , I will be heading towards his office right now." You said before walking towards his office taking the elevator to the 7th floor.
Why would he wanna see you and your members all of a sudden? Was it a Bad news or something?.
You were deep thoughts because normally you wouldn't be called in the office often.
"Come in" you heard Bang Si-hyuk say the moment you knocked on the door.
"Good morning sir !" You bowed down going near your other members. 
"So now that all of you are here , I have a great news for all of you"Bang Si-hyuk started.
"As you know in a few days some of you will be graduating high school but you still go to school like normal kids so I thought that it's time for all of you to take online classes too just like other groups in this company" what he said next made all of you and your members were either shocked or happy because all of you were really tired of the tight schedules filled with school courses and company stuff at the same time and you barely had any time for yourselves.
"Wait wait before you leave here is one last news , the school break you will be having soon will be also a break from the company too . All of you can go visit your family no matter where they are , you are free to stay here in Seoul too if you would like that" Bang Si-hyuk said something you were hoping for a long time and now you can finally see your family again.
"Thank you so much ceo Bang Si-hyuk , we are all really greatful for the break we are getting." Your leader said as all of you bowed down in front of Bang Si-hyuk.
He smiled in response and dismissed all of you from the office .
You were the last one to exit the office so when you exited the office you saw Enhypen maknae line coming towards the office too , probably for the same news too because they were also graduating high school in a few days.
You made a quick eye contact with Niki but unfortunately it didn't last for long because they had to talk to Bang Si-hyuk.
~ cliff hanger
Sorry for the late post !!! I wasn't home for a few weeks but I also have a lot of stories to continue at the same time , i think 8 stories or something😍💔
It's not like I hate writing stories or something, it's literally one of my hobbies now 😋🤘🏻

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