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It's been a few days since you came to Japan and today you were going to go to a club that is owned by one of your mom's business partners which is a club only for idols and celebrities so that they can have fun in privacy.
You were getting ready to go to the club with Yura who was apparently in a hotel an hour away from yours.
Niki was showering at the meantime.
You were stuck on two dresses to wear so you face timed Yura for help.
"HEYY GIRL! How is it with Niki~?" She teased you the moment she answered the call making you chuckle already but you changed the topic quickly.
"Good and I can't choose a dress to wear tonight" you explained your situation to her while showing the two dresses.
"Hmm that's a though decision I see" she said thinking about the options.
"Hmm maybe the second option is better" she chose referring to the short red silk dress.
"My guts were telling the same" you chuckled making her roll her eyes because you could've just chose yourself.
"Alright I'll get ready too , see ya later babe" she winked at you and hung up on the call.
After hanging up on the call , you wore the red dress and did your makeup.
As you were doing so , the bathroom door clicked open catching your attention so you turned out to look at him.
He had a towel wrapped around his waist once again but this time you didn't close your eyes or anything since you were used to it now.
"Dayumm you look so hot babe" Niki said making you flustered.
"Thanks luv and I would say the same for you" you said because his abs had drawn your attention to them making Niki chuckle.
"Pervert" he teased you as if it was illegal for you to stare at your boyfriend's abs.
"As if you aren't one" you teased him back referring to his behaviour of always coming out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Okay okay you won" he said and started to get ready aswell.
<< Time skip >> << to the club >>
The moment you and Niki entered the club , the attention of the idols there were all on you two.
Even though the club was only for celebrities and idols , you still decided to part ways because you can't trust every person no matter their level.
You were searching for Yura but you couldn't find her anywhere, maybe she was a bit late.
Just then you noticed that Jennie was somehow in the club partying with some of her friends.
"Jennie ? I didn't knew you were coming at Japan" you said kinda surprised by seeing her there.
"Oh I didn't  tell  you yet but I came here for a few days since I am filming things for my new m/v which happened to be in Japan" Jennie explained the reasons of her being in Japan to you.
"Ohhh! Well goodluck on your new song sister" you called her by sister after such a long time which caught her a bit off guard.
"DANGG I missed you calling me sister" she said with her gummy smile making you chuckle.
"Haha I missed calling you my sister too" you replied cheerfully.
"We should go visit our parents soon again especially since we are both here" She said which honestly made sense.
"Shall we go meet them tomorrow?" You suggested.
"Hmm I think that would be the only day where I would be free from filming so sure , we could do that" Jennie replied with her sweet voice that she always uses to call since you were younger than her.
"Alright!!" You replied and left to party with Yura when she finally arrived but of course she came with jungwon too.
Jungwon parted ways too because of the same reasons so you and Yura headed to the dance area immediately and started dancing.
You were dancing with all your energy , enjoying the party and the music playing in the area.
<< Time skip >>
It was literally one of the best clubbing days you did but sadly you had to go back to the hotel now since it was almost midnight.
You searched for Niki everywhere but he was nowhere to be found so you just bid goodbye to your friends and exited the club before entering the car.
When you were entering you noticed someone's presence there.
You were about to attack that person with your purse since you couldn't see who it was because it was dark but immediately stopped on your tracks when you heard them mumble something.
"Yn-ahh" a familiar voice said and you were honestly bit shocked hearing him mumble your name in his deep and drunk voice like that.
~ To be continued

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