A Midget Confession

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Hey guys. Thought of this a while ago. I just wrote this and it took me an hour. Not the best work, but hey, it's cute. my keyboard is fixed. :D and i just moved to a new apartment while on spring break, so i'm tired. too much moving heavy couches and dressers. and my sister's toy grill fell on my hip. DX i was injured by a toy grill. it's sad.

“My dog?” His voice rumbles over my cell phone.

I glumly look at the furry ball of cheerfulness that’s currently wagging it’s tail at me. “Yes, your dog. I just found him on my front lawn. He was pissing on my tree.” 


“Come get your dog.”

A very awkward silence follows after my demand.

I mean, I guess I can understand where it’s coming from. It’s strange to have your ex-girlfriend call you up and order you to come and get your dog. 

“My dog?” His voice rumbles over my cell phone.

I glumly look at the furry ball of cheerfulness that’s currently wagging it’s tail at me. “Yes, your dog. I just found him on my front lawn. He was pissing on my tree.” The dog comes over to me and starts licking my knee because I’m crouching down. I pet him and his tail wags faster. I haven’t seen him for a week, ever since Luke and I broke up.

“You’re lying,” He deadpans. I hear him shuffle around, a door opening, then him swearing.

“I told you, dumbass,” I drawl. “Meet me at my house in five.” With that, I hang up. I look at Midget, the black little dog that reminds me of Scamp, from Lady and the Tramp. His fur is always scruffy, making him look like a dog that’s homeless. But at the same time, he manages to stay adorably cute. Right where his eyebrows belong, fur comes out in all different ways. He has a little black nose that he always licks and an under bite. His paws and tummy are white while everything else is a blackish-grayish.

Midget. The weirdest name you could ever think of for a dog. Luke said when his friend’s dog had puppies, he had to get rid of them. So, Luke being Luke, went over and took one. He said that Midget was the smallest one there. So he named him Midget. Not Mini, not Tiny, but Midget. Midget only weights 14 pounds and he’s a three year old dog that still looks like a puppy. 

He acts like a puppy, too. Everytime someone walks through a doorway he gets all excited and tries to play with them. He loves to snuggle up when you’re going to bed. Midget is not bigger than a cat, but not smaller than a bunny. He’s in between. But the damn dog has a strong mouth. He plays tug of war like nobody’s business. One time, I bought him a new rope for Christmas, and the very next day he untied it and I had to throw it away.

I take Midget inside and he gets all excited. He goes over to his little bed that I made for him a year ago. I didn’t have the heart to throw it away, now that I’m not going to be seeing Luke anymore. It still has all his little toys he would play with every time he would come over for a visit. He picks his favorite toy; the tiny, ripped apart hedgehog that I got him for his first birthday.

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