Quite Quiet

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Quite Quiet

“You’re in my seat.”

My eyes flicker up to the guy standing in front of me. He doesn’t seem very angry, if anything, a bit amused. His blonde hair waves over his forehead but it doesn’t bother him. If I had bangs I would go insane from them flying into my face. His arms are crossed, I guess trying to look intimidating. It’s not working out too well. Especially when he’s in the school library, with the nerdiest glasses in the history of glasses hanging off his nose.

They’re tan glasses, almost like the color of vomit. It clashes with a putrid green decoration on the sides. The colors look like they’re having a war with each other. The glasses cover his adorably cute face, and his adorably cute baby blue eyes. Normal looking jeans and a t-shirt cover his body. In his hands is a laptop, some paper, a pencil, and a book that I’ve never heard of before; Perks of being a Wallflower.

The library isn’t where most kids like to hang out in my high school. People are rarely here. If they need a book to research, they go to the local town library instead. Why? Because my school’s books are extremely old. They’re never up to date and most of them are torn and missing ten pages. The librarian isn’t too helpful, either. She’s a mean old bat that thinks who she is and kills you with her glares. I think she’s just pissed from being cooped up in a old library for five days a week.

I usually come here for peace and quiet. I’m a solo wolf; I’m the type of girl that blends into the walls. Nobody ever notices me. And that’s the way I like it. If I can breeze by in high school, I’ll do just fine in college-drama free. My school is known for drama. You can’t walk by in the hallways without hearing, ‘Did you hear what Michelle did the other day?’ or, one of my favorites, ‘That girl is such a bitch. Oh my god, did she hear me?’ That one always starts wars.

In the library, there’s about ten tables in the back corner that has an amazing view of scenery. A long time ago, the school wanted to ‘improve the look’ and spiced it up a bit. They added a new garden of trees and vivid flowers right in front of the library’s see through glass walls. I love coming here to watch everything sway in the air. Sometimes, I even sketch the nature of it all.

I usually switch seats everyday to get a different perspective. It’s randomly picked. Wherever I feel like sitting, that’s where I’ll sit. Not once have I ever seen this boy in the library. He looks like a nerd, but with his looks, he seems more of a popular guy. Minus the horrible glasses.

I look up at the boy, dully. “So?”

“I want it back,” He clarifies.

“No,” I reply.

His stare switches to a glare. “Move.”


“That wasn’t a question, it was a demand.” I don’t even respond. Instead, I go back to sketching my picture of an ice cream shop. The guy, obviously pissed off, snaps his fingers at me. I look up in amusement. Did he really just snap his fingers at me? “Give me my seat back.”

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