You're The One I Want

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS HORRIBLY CHEESY STORY PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG IN THE LINK. The song goes with the story. It's called Chloe (You're The One I Want) by EMBLEM3. Never really liked this damn song, but a story floated into my mind when I first heard it. That's all :D


You're The One I Want






I whip open the door, sending laser beams at my twin sister. I don’t even have my shirt on yet; just my tan bra. “Hair curlers are overrated.” I stalk past her, making sure to bump into her on purpose. She let’s out a little gasp as she stumbles into the bathroom.



I sigh, heading into the other bathroom to finish getting dressed. “THAT’S BECAUSE I JUST TOOK A SHOWER, JENNIFER!” Why couldn’t I have a twin brother instead? He wouldn’t complain about the damn hair curler. One of these days, I’m going to chuck it out the window.

This is why my mom leaves home early to go to work. She can’t stand to be here with us in the mornings, especially on school days. She knows how bad we can get. Jen and I look exactly alike - the only way to tell us a part is from how we dress. 

While Jen likes to curl her auburn hair and cake her face in makeup, I’m more laid back. My auburn hair is either in a pony tail, on my shoulders, or, like today, in a messy bun. Jen is the preppy one. She loves skirts, blouses, and anything that’s pink, really. I’m just the girl with the jeans and t-shirt. Well, today, I’m wearing jean shorts with sandals, but you get what I mean.

Today’s the first day of senior year. Jen’s president of the high school, is on the tennis team, is in student council, National Honor Society, and the French Club. I’m just in the Photography Club. Nobody really knows who I am. I’m in the shadow of my younger-by-four-minutes sister. Even though we share the same brown eyes and I’m pretty sure she’s more prettier than me. But who cares.

When I’m finished, I race down the stairs to grab my backpack and skip breakfast. I hoist my backpack onto my shoulder, then head into the tiny bathroom under the stairs. I take out some bobby pins and pin my bangs back so they don’t annoy me through out the day. “JEN, ARE YOU RIDING WITH ME TO SCHOOL?”

I hear her bounce down the stairs. She passes the tiny bathroom and in the mirror I can see her dancing around the kitchen. Her hair is perfectly curled with perfect makeup. She’s got on a pink blouse and some dark cuffed jeans that stop at the ankles. “Nope,” She answers softly because we’re near each other. “Jakey is giving me a ride.”

I make gagging noises to myself. Jen is a major flirt; she’ll lead guys on, ones that aren’t brave enough to ask her out. The ones that do she just rejects them. She kind of just uses them, I guess. Like poor Jakey. “Yeah…have fun with that.” I come out of the bathroom and watch her make a fruit smoothie.

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