He's Even Cuter Than He Seems

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He’s Even Cuter Than He Seems

Something knocks on my arm.

I snap my head up off the desk, brushing my knotty brown hair back. I blink a couple of times, swallowing slowly. Shit…I fell asleep working on my pictures. I glance to my side and almost jump out of my chair. “Jesus - ! ”

Colt stares at me, eyes narrowed. “Do you know what time it is?”

I glance to my computer screen, but it’s dark and blank; must’ve went into sleep mode the same time I did. “Uh…midnight?”

“One in the fucking morning,” He snaps. “You had me so fucking worried, Cara.”

“Why?” I mumble, still half asleep. I’ve been a sleep for an hour now. I wiggle my mouse to turn my screen back on. My pictures come back to life.

“Willa was calling me like a madwoman. Said you weren’t answering her calls. She sent me to come check on you up here.” He takes the seat next to me, running a hand through his messy black hair. 

“Sorry,” I mutter half-heartedly. “I was tired…”

“Which is exactly why you don’t edit your pictures the damn night before they’re due,” He barks. “Are you almost done?”

“Yeah. Just gotta print them.” I glance at him and notice he’s in his checkered pajamas and a white wrinkled v-neck is thrown over his stomach. “Were you asleep?”

“What the fuck else do you do at one in the morning, Cara?”

I smirk. His dirtiness has rubbed off on me. “Well…there’s things…”

And then I see him look away in the corner of my eye. “Not what I had in mind.”

Grinning, I print my pictures out and place them in my folder, placing that in my bag. I exit out of Photoshop, saving my work, and then turn the computer off. “I’m tired.”

He rolls his eyes, getting out of his chair. “C’mon then.”

So I get out of my chair and follow him out the door to the photography room, down the flight of stairs, and outside to the dorms. He pulls me into his chest once we get outside. We walk down the carpeted hallway to our dorms. I go to keep walking but he stops at his, unlocking the door.

I raise an eyebrow. “This isn’t my dorm.”

“No, it’s not,” He agrees, shoving me inside.

“Colt,” I whine, walking backwards so I’m facing him. “I don’t have any pajamas.”

I take note that his roomie isn’t here. Colt shrugs, as if it’s not a problem at all. “Here.” And then he’s whipping his white v-neck off, handing it to me. I raise both eyebrows now. “I sleep without a shirt anyways.”

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