Here He Is

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hi. :) soo, i've been posting lots of short stories this summer. hee hee. i still have LOADS to go too. plus i still have to update Being Bitten and You're Not My Flavor. ugh. i have writers block for both. it sucks. so here's a lil something to hold ya'll over. ;)


 How dare he.

How dare he throw a rock through my window just to get to me.

How dare he break my window, take note that this is like the 6th time he's done this, and make me take $78.56 out of my pocket just to repair it.

How dare me.

How dare me for telling Jamie on Sunday that I loved him.

How dare me for letting him back me up into a corner in my room and let him smirk like that and OOH, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM.


So here he is.

Freshly showered.

Chocolate brown hair neatly combed.

Blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

Dressed in shorts and a v-neck.

Holding my favorite chocolates in the whole wide world.

Teeth smelling minty fresh.

And here I am.

Hair looks as if it had a mini tornado come by for dinner.

Brown eyes puffy and red.

Haven’t shaved or showered in a week.

Smells like snot.

Dressed in some baggy sweatpants and a tank top.

Holding nothing but my broken heart.

And he expects me to let him into my house?

Hell to the no.

I slam the door straight on his face, having the satisfaction of watching the grin drip off his face before the door closes with a slam. In less than seconds he’s pounding on the door. “You shouldn’t of done that, Bam!”

I re-open the door, nodding. “You’re absolutely right. I should’ve done this first.” I pluck the box of chocolates from his hands, then slam the door back on his face.

Damn, two times in a row. And damn, did it feel good.

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