Hangman's Note

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Hangman’s Note

Today’s the day.

I slip out of bed with a sigh, stumbling over to my dresser. Today is the last day of school. It’s a big day for me, not only because it’s a half day, but because I have to do something I’ve been waiting two years to do. My last day of being a junior.

I get dressed in an ordinary blue v-neck and a pair of jeans. I slip on some flats, coming through my wavy black hair. I grab my back pack off my bed just in time to hear Will scream up the stairs, “JACKIE LET’S GO!”

“I’M COMING!” I holler back at him. It’s our morning routine.

I dash down the stairs, stopping by the kitchen on the way. I grab a muffin, stuffing it into my mouth, and rush out the front door. Will is already in his blue convertible, tapping his hand impatiently. He tilts his head to look at me, and the impatient look he has on is blown out of the water by his quivering smile.

“What?” I spit at him as I hop into the car. It comes out muffled by the huge muffin sticking out of my lips. I take a huge chunk out of it, ripping it out of my mouth.

He stares at me in amusement. “Nothing. Let’s go.” He starts up the engine and we take off for school. He hates to be late, and especially on a day like today. All those yearbooks he has to sign. I glance over at the blonde haired boy that’s driving. Of course he had to be on the basketball team, one of the most popular kids in school.

The only reason we ever met was because of our mothers. They work together, and because his family lives only up the street, he was forced into driving me to school everyday for freshman year. At first, we both hated it. He hated driving a tomboyish teen like me, and I hated riding with a popular arrogant boy like him. As soon as we got out of the car we parted our separate ways.

Over time, we started to get to know each other more in sophomore year. We even hung out on the weekends. Junior year came quickly, and we were best friends. Despite the fact he was the star of the basketball team and I was the girl that blended in with the walls.

I sigh once the school comes into view. “Well, this is it. The last day I’ll see you again.”

He sighs too, looking over at me. “Don’t make me feel even more horrible.”

Right after school is over, he’s moving to North Carolina. That’s where he’s from. I’ll probably never see him again. Which is why today is the perfect day to tell him. “I’ll be all alone for senior year…”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” He coaxes, giving me puppy dog eyes. “I’m going to be all alone…in a new state…new school…”

I snort, opening my door when he parks the car. “Once you join the basketball team and have dozens of girls all over you, I’m sure you won’t even be thinking of me.”

As I go to walk towards the school, my arm is pulled and I’m whirled around. I come face to face with Will, barely inches away from his lips. “I will be thinking of you every single day.”

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