Screw The Police

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Hey good lookin', what's cookin? I'm sorry that I haven't been posting lately. School, boyfriend, and family problems have been revolving around my life. I promised myself I wouldn't turn into 'that' wattpader who stopped updating, but I broke that promise. I'm sorry guys. But good news! Here's a new little one shot I came up with. Happy Holidays! :)

This is not my bed.

With my eyes shut, I maneuvered my hands around the silk-like sheets. This was most definitely not my bed. My sheets are not that soft, because if they were, I would never leave my bed at all. I ran my fingers over the comforter and realized that it wasn't mine either. Maybe my mother had snuck into my apartment and changed my bed around?

No. She lives two hours away. She wouldn't randomly just decide to come on over without warning me. I slowly drew in a breath, ready to open my eyes. I could see the sunshine even with my eyes closed. I had a killer migraine, so it was going to take me a while. Another thought occurred to me: this didn't smell like my room.

Panic began to set in as I huffed in another breath. Instead of my constant perfumes that wafted together to create one monstrous smell, all I smelt was lavender. I wasn't sure if it was the room or the sheets, but whatever it was, I loved it. It was a soothing scent and it made me calm down a little bit.

I counted to three and forced my eyes open. All I saw was a blinding white light and I honestly thought I was dead for a second or two. But then the room faded into play and I blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the new scenery. There was a desk on the other side of the room and a couple of posters splattered against the blue walls. There was a window to my left and the door to my right, near the desk.

But then the worst thing of all happened. I sat up a little bit and ran my hand through my hair, trying to find the best escape route to whoever owned this place. As I was musing over that, something to the right of me stirred around. My breathing hitched and I slowly glanced over at the body next to me.

“Morning, love-bug,” Lucas purred next to me.

I took in his smirk, and his brown disheveled hair, and his toned and tanned bare abdomen, and the horrors of the night came crawling back to me. The entire night didn't come back right away. Just glimpses and visions that lasted a couple of seconds. I prayed and prayed that my suspicions wouldn't be confirmed when I took a look underneath the sheets to see if I was naked.

They were.

My neck craned to look at the floor. Not only my clothing, but Lucas's as well, were scattered in random directions all over his floor. I swallowed as I looked back to his amused, smirking face. I took in a swift breath. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!”

That smirk quickly dropped to the floor and he winced at my loud scream. “Calm down, Corri, Jesus Christ.”

My eyes glanced all over the bed and my hands flew to my hair. “Oh my god...did we...did we really...?”

“You don't remember?” He questioned, smirk coming back.

“Of course I remember,” I snapped at him. “I'm just...I'm hoping I'm dreaming right now and I'm going to wake up and everything is going to go back to normal.”

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