Mingling Near The Mistletoe

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Mingling Near The Mistletoe 

“He’s infuriating.”

“But he likes you!” Miranda protests feebly. I continue putting the books away in their rightful places. This library is full of children running around, shoving books into random spots. I’m the one who brings them back to their correct shelves.

“Yes, he also likes football and cooking. He likes a lot of things. Namely girls.”

“But you know he’s liked you since middle school,” She groans.

“And I refuse to care.” I take a sharp turn down one of the long rows of shelves so quickly that she almost goes bumping into the books.

She catches up with me, a grumpy look on her face. “Why do you like working here? It’s a dump.”

“It’s a quiet dump,” I correct.

“Why don’t you get a normal job like normal teenagers? Like maybe working at Hollister in the mall?”

I toss her a flat look. “Can you see me working in a mall?”

She takes some time to ponder over it, winces, and nods her head. “Yeah, you’re right, you belong here.”

Exactly. “You’re distracting me, I have to get my work done. Go home.”

She grabs my shoulder, widens her eyes, and gives me a huge pout. “I will go home if you come to my Christmas party.”

I suppress my groan. Back to this horrid topic. I shove her off my shoulder, passing through the rows of shelves again. “Is Kris going to be there?”

“Yes, I told you that already.”

“Then no.”

“But he likes you!”

I stop walking to look her in the eye. “Read my lips: I don’t care.”

“Cassie, c’mon, please? I do stuff for you all the time.”

I snort, shoving a book into its place a bit more forceful than necessary. “Like what?”

A smirk dances around her face. “7th grade. Saved your ass in Mallard’s class when I printed out that poem we needed in the morning when you forgot about it over the weekend.”

I give her a look. “That’s different.”

“9th grade. You needed a dress for the tennis banquet and forgot to get one so I let you borrow one of mine.”

“But - ”

“10th grade. Almost bombed your Algebra 2 final if I wasn’t there to help you.”

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