Switching Rooms

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“Get your ass in here! This is going to crush me like a bug!”

Jesse comes running in. He puts a hand on a piece of furniture and jumps over it, then slides underneath my high table. “I got you,” He chuckles, putting his hands on my bed. We slowly put it down onto the ground, careful not to crush our fingers. “There, happy now?”


He chuckles, slinging his muscular arm around me. “Good.”

My brown eyes go big and my lower lip pouts. Time to put on the charm. “Jesse, can’t we take a break? Please?”

His eyes widen at my face and he looks away. “Oh no, you’re not using that face on me. We need to get this done today, Aubree.”

So I guess flirting will do. I look at him from underneath my eyelashes, latching onto his shoulder. “Jesse,” I purr out his name, making him shudder, “if we go get some food, maybe I can do something for you.”

I  can see himself debating. “What is this ‘something’?”

“Oh, I don’t know…whatever you want…”

He shakes me off and glares at me. “That’s not going to work, either, Bree. We’re getting this done. Period.”

I hate switching rooms. See, Jesse and I are roommates. Right now, we’re out of college because we’re on summer break. We both just got back three days ago from visiting our families. So, technically, we only have three more weeks for summer break. And we’re spending a day of it switching rooms.

Actually, I shouldn’t  complain. I was the one who thought of the idea. What an idiot I am. I didn’t know it would take this much work! We always joke around how we want each others rooms for different reasons. I want Jesse’s room because he has the view of the beach right from his window. He wants my room because he has enough room to put in a pool table. I never thought we were actually going to do it. 

Our rooms are right next to each other, so at least it makes it easier. The only bad part is that we’re going to have to repaint our room colors. Well, I’m going to repaint, Jesse’s just painting. I didn’t have any paint on my walls, but Jesse has this ugly green color. So I’m going to paint over it.

Today we’re in our best work clothes. I’m in blue shorts and a tank top, with my dirty brown hair in a baseball cap and pony tail. Jesse has on a white tank top and jeans. His dark brown hair is messy as always.

I whirl around, picking up one of my lamps. “Fine. But when one o’clock comes around, we’re going to Chili’s and eating.”

“Whatever floats your boat.”

I strut out of my-er, his-room, and into my new one. Lots of Jesse’s stuff is in here still, same thing with my old room. We have a lot of stuff to move around. “Jess, how are we getting your bed out the door? It’s way too big even on its side,” I yell to the other room. It’s a very large king size bed. Bigger than a king, almost.

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