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Day 1

“Hey, watch it!”

“You bumped into me, buddy!” I scream back at him, rushing towards the subway. This day just keeps getting worse. I woke up late. The only shoes I could find were heels. I spilled coffee on my white blouse. I didn’t eat lunch because I didn’t bring money. I stepped in a puddle earlier. And then that guy just snapped at me. He’s lucky I didn’t ring his neck.

Luckily, I manage to get on the subway just seconds before it was going to take off. I grab the metal bar tightly, not caring that my hands are sweaty. There’s no seats left, so I clunk my head to the bar, taking my free hand and running it over my messy bun. My glasses are in the way. That’s another thing; I forgot to put in my contacts.

I sigh deeply, wanting to take the damn heels off my aching feet. It’s been a long day and all I want to do is go home, throw on some basketball shorts, order Chinese food, and watch the three episodes of Revolution that I missed. 

I fix my bag that’s on my shoulder so it’s not digging into my skin. It’s extra full today; I have books in there that are heavier than bricks. That’s what work does to you. Makes you feel pain all the time.

The subway finally opens and I let myself out, heading up the stairs and out into the bustling city. I love New York City, don’t get me wrong, but right now, I wish I lived in a country side. It is where I grew up, and I do miss it sometimes, but whatever. I live here now and I need to suck it up.

When I get to the elevator, there’s a note on it. In thick, black, capitalized letters, it says, ‘USE STAIRS’. “Holy fucking shit! You’ve got to be kidding me!” I yell out in agony, groaning at the damn note. Just kill me now. 

So I head over to the stairs, but not before I take off my heels. There’s no way I’m walking up nine flights of stairs in five inch heels. I also sometimes wish I was a boy. So I didn’t have to fucking deal with this.

When I finally get to my apartment, it takes me several minutes to dig through my bag and get my keys. I have to take out half of the contents of the bag, but I find them. I force myself through the door, chucking my shoes to the floor, and throwing my bag onto the counter. I take out my bun and let the big mane fall onto my shoulders. 

My dog comes running up to me; she’s a golden retriever. “Hey, Vee. You hungry? Me too.”

So after I feed her, I make a move to go to my bedroom. But then someone rings my damn doorbell. I groan loudly; it’s probably the little girl that lives next door whose always trying to sell me cookies.

I stalk over to the door and glare hatred. “Listen, I do not want any of your damn cookies… you always…just…”

And just like that, my horrible day evaporates into the air.

“Eric…” I whisper, more to myself than anything.

He’s in front of me. He’s holding a teddy bear and roses. And he’s in his army uniform. His muscles bulge out slightly in the attire, and underneath his hat is his lightly brown buzzed hair. He’s grinning at my face. “Well…I don’t have any cookies, but I can go get some if you want…”

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